The Great Taking

The Great Taking

I have just finished reading The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb, and I must say it is one of the most eye-opening and disturbing books I have encountered in the last year or two. The author, a former hedge fund manager living in Sweden, exposes the hidden agenda of the global elite to confiscate all the wealth and assets of the world through a complex and sinister legal framework that has been secretly implemented over decades.

The book reveals how the elite have created a system of debt-based money that allows them to create money out of thin air and lend it to governments, corporations, and individuals at interest. This money is then used to buy up real assets such as land, natural resources, infrastructure, businesses, and intellectual property. The debtors are then trapped in a cycle of perpetual interest payments that can never be repaid, while the creditors accumulate more and more collateral.

You might wonder who are these global elites that the author refers to. According to some sources, they are a small group of powerful and influential people who have access to vast amounts of wealth, resources, information, and networks. They operate across national boundaries and sectors, and they share a common vision of a globalized world order that serves their interests. They include:

  • Top executives and owners of multinational corporations and financial institutions
  • High-ranking officials and politicians from international organizations and governments
  • Prominent members of the media, academia, culture, and religion
  • Elite families and dynasties with historical ties and privileges
  • Now deceased Henry Kissinger, a former US secretary of state and a renowned diplomat and strategist
  • The Rothschild family, one of the richest and most influential banking dynasties in history
  • George Soros, a billionaire investor and philanthropist who funds various political and social movements
  • Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft and a leading figure in global health and development
  • Klaus Schwab, a founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, which organizes the annual Davos meeting of global leaders

These global elites are not a monolithic or homogeneous group. They have different backgrounds, perspectives, and agendas. They may cooperate or compete with each other on various issues. However, they share some common characteristics, such as:

  • They have access to privileged information and knowledge that gives them an advantage over others
  • They have connections and networks that allow them to influence decisions and outcomes at various levels
  • They have resources and assets that enable them to shape markets and policies according to their interests
  • They have values and beliefs that justify their actions and goals as beneficial for humanity

The author argues that this is not a random or accidental process, but a deliberate and coordinated plan to transfer all the real wealth and power from the people to the elite. He provides ample evidence and documentation to support his claims, such as the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations (UN), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and many others.

One thing that is surely different than most other books is the very extensive prologue. It is created to set the frame and stage for the rest of the book. If you like to download a free version of the book here,

Please take the time to read the prologue to get a full appreciation of how the things described in the core of the book are important and how they fit into the big picture.

To give you a little teaser, Webb ends the prologue this way:

I have not wanted to write this book or have anything to do with this, but it has become unavoidable.

It is like exorcising a demon, which has plagued me and my family. It must be done. And then, I will be done.

I am self-publishing this because I don’t want to involve a lot of people. I just need to get it out. I expect that there will be efforts to criticize me personally and this work. We have been overwhelmed with unpleasant and contradictory media “information.” This is by design.

It is an intentional strategy, highly effective in shutting down critical thinking.

I hope not to add to this burden. And so, a goal here is to be focused and concise, so as to not sap the attention of the reader.

A further and more important goal is to provide not just information, but a synthesis of key information, allowing the reader to understand what is happening, why it is happening, why it is happening now, and what grand objective stands behind seemingly unrelated developments and events.

It is important to note that what is exposed here is not conjecture. It is found in authentic primary source documents, in which the planners themselves lay out their plans.

I wish to acknowledge the important contribution of my extraordinary friend, who found key documentation of the Legal Certainty Group in one of his many sleepless nights. I thank the miraculous people who have helped me and kept me alive. I wish to thank the many, many heroic people working to expose this global takeover, one of whom said,

“Wars are not won without courage.”

You are about to be confronted with quite shocking, depressing material.

You don’t want to know about this.

I don’t even want to know about it.

Charles Dickens had his character Scrooge (an investment banker) say when faced with his own gravestone:

Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?

Men’s courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead . . . but if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with me. Why show me this, if I am past all hope?

It is my hope that in making this unpleasantness explicit, and doing so at this time when developments are becoming more apparent, awareness might spread and that the worst might be averted.

Perhaps this Great Taking might not be allowed to happen if we each hold up our end—even the investment bankers—and say forcefully: we will not allow this. It is a construct. It is not real.

David Rogers

Webb Stockholm, Sweden

May 28, 2023

The Right Side Blog

The book also explains how the elite use various crises and events to advance their agenda, such as wars, pandemics, terrorism, climate change, social unrest, cyberattacks, etc.

These are used to create fear and panic among the masses and to justify more centralization, regulation, taxation, surveillance, censorship, militarization, and globalization. The ultimate goal is to create a one-world government that will have total control over all aspects of human life.

The book warns that we are approaching the final stage of this plan, which the author calls "The Great Taking". This is when the elite will trigger a massive financial collapse that will wipe out all the paper wealth and debt in the world.

The only thing that will remain is the real assets that they own or have liens on. They will then use their legal authority and military force to seize all these assets from their rightful owners and claim them as their own. The result will be a feudal system where the elite will own everything and everyone else will be reduced to serfs or slaves.

The book is not only a wake-up call, but also a call to action. The author urges us to resist this evil scheme by exposing it, educating ourselves and others, organizing and mobilizing, reclaiming our sovereignty and rights, creating alternative systems of money and exchange, supporting local communities and businesses, protecting our assets and resources, and preparing for any possible scenario.

He also offers some hope and optimism that we can overcome this challenge if we unite and act together.

As a real estate investor, I found this book very relevant and alarming for our future prospects. The book explains how the elite are targeting real estate as one of the main sources of collateral that they want to take over. The book warns that real estate investors will face increasing challenges and risks in the coming years, such as:

  • Higher taxes and fees on property ownership and transactions
  • More regulations and restrictions on land use and development
  • More environmental and social obligations and liabilities
  • More vulnerability to cyberattacks and digital theft
  • More exposure to legal actions and lawsuits
  • More competition from government-backed entities and corporations
  • More uncertainty and volatility in the market

The book also advises real estate investors on how to protect themselves and their assets from the great taking. The book suggests some strategies such as:

  • Diversifying your portfolio across different asset classes and jurisdictions
  • Reducing your debt and leverage levels
  • Holding some physical gold and silver as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation
  • Using offshore structures and trusts to shield your assets from confiscation
  • Seeking alternative sources of income and cash flow
  • Networking with like-minded investors and professionals
  • Educating yourself and others about the great taking and its implications

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, there are some other books that I can recommend. Some of them are:

  • "New World Order" by Gary Allen, exposes the secretive global elite dedicated to the eradication of the sovereignty of the world's nations.
  • "The Global-Warming Deception" by Grant R. Jeffrey, reveals how a secret elite plans to bankrupt America and steal your freedom using environmentalism as a pretext.
  • "The Global Conspiracy Exposed" by The Whistleblower, uncovers the collusion of the world government, the elite, Agenda 21, and the veracity of the fallen angels and UFOs.

I highly recommend Webb’s book to anyone who wants to understand what is really going on in the world today and what we can do about it.

As you know we are applying the concepts of other people’s money to pay off the assets we acquire. That principle holds true.

At the same time, we need to be aware that there is a limit to what we can handle if a crisis really comes about, anything similar to the great financial crisis of 2008 -2012 or worse.

I am a member of the Freedom Accelerator Program and its founder has lived through such a crisis.

He had his properties burdened with mortgages and loans because that was possible at the time. One could even get to more than 100% debt on a house. Ultimately it created massive losses when tenants could not pay rent anymore and he was trying to cover the missed payments out of his own funds and reserves.

That ended pretty quickly and only about 20% of his portfolio survived.

We want to learn from that and not ever have more than 80% of long-term debt on our properties.

In the short term, for a few years, when we know we can cover it, it might be suitable for great deals, but anything should be done to keep debt levels low and keep paying them off using rent income.

Most of us on our ideal investor journey towards the Time Freedom Point don’t really need the positive cash flow for life expenses, so we should use as much of it as possible to get debt levels down. This applies these days more than in the past as the cost of money due to high interest rates is much higher than it used to be.

This book is not an easy read, but it is a necessary one. The stakes are too high to ignore or deny this reality. We have to face it and fight it before it is too late.

Dr. Carol Deas-Lopez

Psychotherapy/Consulting/Teaching /Coaching/Advocacy

1 年

This is terrifying & overwhelming & something that makes perfect sense as to the reasons why we are in such bad shape. The human suffering has reached epic proportions & there’s no end in sight. How do we fight back with limited resources?


Dr. Axel Meierhoefer,的更多文章

