The Great Sign: Revised
HIS Mighty Love & Amazing Grace on Resurrection Day: He is the RESURRECTION & THE LIFE. YES, He can be Your Life- Transforming your every thought, dream, hope, fear, and purpose.
This year my Resurrection letter will help you understand the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and its connection to the Cross and to us today. It will help you understand why we are under "invisible" attacks and how the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and Prophetic Generation reveals evidence to show the GREAT Sign is indeed about the present and the future and not just the past as all the prophecy teachings are saying. Why has the Great Sign been such an enigma and why is it located in the middle of the only book in the Bible that promises blessings to anyone who reads, shares it, and understands it.
Know that at the time of the sign there was a smokescreen of falsehoods and conspiracy theories that either Planet X or Nibiru was going to crash into our planet. Ironically, these obvious lies (which a lot of people believed) give more credence to the veracity of the Great Sign and underscores the fact that this sign was indeed from God. Satan always tries to counterfeit or block God's message. Each of us must understand that there are REAL forces, unseen forces, that oppose everything God does. For instance, when a major ministry built the Hope Complex in Plano, what went up next door? A huge Mosque Complex was erected. As you read this post you will see that the Sign happened as Revelation 12 promised, but with even more fanfare and evidence of God's hand guiding it. This Sign has many layers to it as you will see in this essay.
Here is the Great Sign of Revelation 12: The Woman and the Dragon: 1. And there appeared a great sign in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. 3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
The Sign of Revelation 12 is not just about the past as most pastors teach. It is true that it refers to the past at 3 levels, but THIS DOES NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE FACT THAT IT is primarily about the present and the future. We will discuss this later. This prophetic sign directly connects to Genesis 3:15. Here God speaks to the serpent while Eve is standing nearby, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” This was partially fulfilled at the Cross when Satan “bruised the heel of Jesus Christ” but the second part, the “crushing of the head of the seed of the Serpent,” has not yet happened. Satan's days were numbered, and he was defeated but not crushed. For instance, Peter in I Peter calls Satan a roaring lion threatening believers, which obviously implies that his head or body is not crushed.
At the Cross Jesus paid the price for our sins and defeated death, but He did not crush the head of Satan nor his demons because the plan was not yet complete. Satan will be totally defeated after Jesus returns in His 2nd Coming. The 2nd way this especially important prophecy connects to the past is to the family of Jacob. This references Joseph’s dream of 11 stars that bow down to him. Some say that he is the twelfth star and thus the constellation Virgo represents Rachel and the constellation Leo is Jacob. Again, this is NOT the focus of the sign, but is part of the foundation to let the reader know that it includes both Israel and the church. The 3rd connection is to the birth of Jesus Christ, Herod the Great, and the family fleeing to Egypt. These connections to the past help us to understand how the Great Sign points to the present and to the completion of His Plan in the future.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the sun, moon, and stars in a certain pattern provided a pathway to the supernatural and to the “Field of Reeds” where Osiris ruled. This path was embodied by the great Sphinx built in 2500 BC, which had the body of a lion and the head of a woman (the Virgin of Virgo). Like all the ancient civilizations they had knowledge from Seth, Noah and the early elders who passed on the message of the Creation story and the Promise given by God himself. This message was written in the heavenly lights and given to Adam and Eve. The story was told through the constellations and was then passed on from one generation to another. The message begins with Virgo or Eve and ends with the defeat and destruction of the red dragon by the Conqueror or Leo the Lion of Judah. From the Bible we learn that Leo the Lion of Judah is Jesus Christ
The Sign of Revelation 12 involves both Virgo and Leo along with the Sun, Moon, and 4 important planets. The planets are Jupiter which spends over 9 months in the womb of Virgo, Venus which forms a conjunction with Jupiter and enters the womb but stays only a short time. It then links up with both Mars and Mercury and forms a direct line with the star Regulus (which means Royalty and is the “heart” of Leo the Lion). Here you have all the characterizations of Jesus Christ: Venus the morning Star represents the Priesthood, Mercury depicts Him as the Word or messenger, and Mars as the Perfect Man. These planets and star are aligned in a perfect line which is more than amazing. It is important to note that the main star in Virgo is Spica which means SEED and it is also in a general alignment with those 4 other heavenly lights. Jupiter represents the authority and power of Jesus Christ which He gave to the church. NOTE that the important KEY heavenly lights are now all in one place at one moment in time. And REMEMBER that it was a similar star and planet array that led the "Kings from the East" to travel across nations to deliver gold, myrrh, and frankincense to a "King" they knew little about.
Why the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus? These two planets represent the Authority of God declaring Jesus Christ as The High Priest who would pay for our sins. The length of time from the beginning of the conjunction to the Day of Atonement is exactly 400 days. Is God telling us that His Full Power and Authority to transform or save mankind through Redemption is being displayed in the stars and planets? Only Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest, could pay our debt eternally. Jesus said, "It is Finished." He paid our Sin Debt in Full. God has passed this authority and power on to the Church through the Holy Spirit and that is why Jupiter awaits in the "womb" to be raptured or taken away before the Red Dragon.
It is no coincidence that this sign appears in the same Chapter as the verse that portrays the Dragon’s demise: v. 11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony….v.13, And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman who brought forth the man child….v. 17, And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” At first glance the woman is Israel, but she is the remnant only, or those Jews who trust in Jesus Christ. So, there is much more to this Sign than what the past presents. And who really is the child? The passage states that the child is “raptured” or taken away. Jesus Christ was NOT taken away. He was Resurrected. He is the Resurrection and the Life who saves those that follow HIM.
We the church are raptured. So, the child is NOT just Jesus Christ even though the reference does picture the birth. At Present the Church is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the Church. So, the Sign pictures the Church being birthed in the sight of the Red Dragon which desires to destroy it. This happened when the early church was formed and continues til now and into the future. Satan is doing all he can to prosecute, persecute and destroy the Church. He did not & will not have any power or control over Jesus Christ. Note that from the beginning of creation when God spoke to him in the Garden of Eden, Satan was defeated. From God’s timeless perspective the moment God spoke to him Satan was crushed. Likewise, Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah was declared eternally Triumphant in that same conversation.
So, what is the Sign Saying? It embodies Israel, the saved remnant, the Church, Jesus Christ and the Red Dragon or Satan. Cosmic Crossroad Countdown goes into detail explaining why the SIGN is not what people think. It was not a Sign to be seen like the Bethlehem Star. That amazing Sign represented and pointed to His Birth. But this Great Sign points to His Message and Promise. It is both a Blessing and a Warning of things to come. It is like a RED LIGHT telling us to stop & contemplate our situation, repent and then move with renewed confidence in the right direction! It does point to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, the persecution of the church, and the rapture. In one way it is like a portal into Past, Present and Future all at once reminding us that God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church are in a struggle against evil, but through the death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ, have won the war from the beginning of time.
God wants the world to know that there is a blessing in understanding the book of Revelation and the Great Sign. Evil cannot win and Revelation is the only book that starts and ends with this unique promise of blessings; right in the center of it all is the Great Sign with its special Promise for all those who unwind the truth or who are willing to listen. The 3rd verse of Revelation states, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy...." To hear means more than just letting the words fly past your head. It is a Very Important word in Hebrew. It means "Shema" and the one phrase Jews were taught to repeat throughout the ages is the "Great Shema." Shema implies that we respond to what we hear and obey! That may be why the book of Hebrews states, "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." God wants us to know and respond to the Great Sign. For the Great Sign explains who Jesus Christ is and how He defeats the Serpent. We will also see that He is the Promised seed of Abraham & David who will bless the earth and all its inhabitants.
There is another angle to the Sign. It is connected to the Jubilee 50-year period which ended 7 days after the Great Sign of 2017. The Jubilee was especially important as it marked a time in Jewish history for which all land was to be returned to the original owner and debts were to be forgiven. This only happened every 50 years. It ended on Sept. 29-30 or the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, the yearly Day of National Repentance. So, the Sign is linked to this time of giving up, surrender, and return of what belongs to God. This special Jubilee connects to the Jubilee of 1967 when Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel. And prior to it connects to the Jubilee of 1917 when the Ottoman Empire was defeated, and the Balfour Agreement stated Israel’s right of return. God’s footprint is clearly all over history. The book illustrates this in both words and in easy to understand diagrams.
In Jewish tradition the next few days would mark New Beginnings and the ingathering of Family, thoughts, promises and implements to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. This was and still is a special time to tabernacle with God under the stars – to remind us that God desires that we find time to be with Him to celebrate His provision and His creation including the message in the heavenly lights. The Great Sign is thus linked to this whole period of introspection and celebration. And since it falls in the middle of the Feast of Trumpets, this Great Sign could be described as the Trumpet call to visit one’s sins, to seek forgiveness, and know God in repentance and obedience before it is too late.
The Feast of Trumpets and a 40-day period prior to Yom Kippur called Teshuva had been a call to return to God, a call to remembrance, confession, and repentance. Teshuva included the epic American solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, which forewarned of storms to come as stated in the book. God put this warning in my heart early in June of that year and we rushed to put the book out, but a major misprint on the first page with a large capital Z next to the name of Jesus forced us to reprint (none of us saw it coming- which made me think it was a sabotage). Also, one very late evening as I was finishing out a key chapter the number 666 came up in a blue hue right in the center of the screen. I quickly stopped, cut out the whole paragraph and made a copy. A whole section was contaminated by a virus. Soon after the Solar Eclipse we had 3 major hurricanes, one here in Texas that devastated the coast and Houston, one in Florida that amazingly turned landward near Ft. Meyers and headed towards my brother's little house yet it did not even knock out his electricity. Dade city nearby was struck and lost all its power!
The 3rd hurricane hit Puerto Rico. All these storms were part of the warning signs connected to the Solar Eclipse. They were a call for America to repent. Many other significant stellar and lunar events were also connected to this period including the 4 Blood moons of 2014-2015. As mentioned earlier the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus which entered the "womb of Virgo" to begin the Sign happened exactly 400 days prior to the Day of Atonement. Everything was falling into place, at a Very Significant Time for a Very Important Great Sign from God that was aimed at a sleeping world and complacent church. And like the Pharisees of old, a mostly myopic church leadership did not see the sign, nor did it care that God was going to give a Sign. Jesus warned about this when he said, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red;' and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening. Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times." Matt. 16:2-3
It is no coincidence that this GREAT Sign appears right in the middle of the book of Revelation right before the “beast rises from the sea.” Thus, it may portend or foreshadow the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week of "Time, Times, Half-Time." Jesus warns us in Matt. 24, that many false Christs will come in His Name, that wars and rumors of wars will occur, and that there will be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places. Satan offers a false light with false desires and thinking that subjugates billions to darkness and to the lies of a world system. Does this Sign warn us of an increase in number and intensity of these invisible attacks that are aimed at the hearts and minds of both believer and non-believer? Is God trying to warn the church? Will this Sign be like a Pandora's Box of evil and Satanic attack which will increase in intensity? Will it be a time of rebellion where men's hearts turn against God with greater ferocity? Will we see earthquakes and volcanic activity of increasing intensity in diverse places? This is what Jesus called, “The beginning of sorrows or the birth pains.”
Cosmic Crossroad Countdown states the Sign will usher in many New Beginnings most of which will affect the world as has the Coronavirus. There will be sadness, but during this will come hope and changes that give people a 2nd chance and an opportunity to repent. Presently we are seeing a worldwide persecution of Christians which has increased in intensity since the Sign. There is a new intensity in the world-wide attack on the family, the moral and spiritual nature of man and the natural order of mankind (the rebellion of Romans Chapter one). This attack is against God’s natural order that preserves men as men and women as women, the unity and integrity of the Church, the Truth as a embodied by Jesus Christ & the Word, the innocence of babies, and the Power, Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit. This is an invisible attack on the heart and minds of each child and adult. It is a dark spiritual shadow and therefore a foreshadowing of the "Great Judgment to Come in during the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Unlike Zechariah's four chariots these four horses will move quickly bringing severe judgment to the entire earth.
Chariots on the other hand, move slower and with a great tension between horses and wheels spreading both noise and fear. Fear and rumbling tend to make us look up to God. These chariots will appear first and may already be on the move. They also represent both time and authority, a forewarning that time has come for God to begin His Preparation for purification of the earth. The number 400 signifies God's Holy Preparation and Purification. For 400 years God purified the land of Israel under the Ottoman Empire prior to nation building and for 400 years He prepared the Kings of Israel and the nation for captivity. For 400 years God kept his people under Egyptian captivity before deliverance.
After the Blood moons and beginning with the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, God allowed ISIS to scourge the earth for 400 days. The fact is the destruction of the Palmyra Gate of Baal Worship happened right at this time in late August of 2016. Jupiter and Venus joined and made their move across the heavens to reside in the womb of Virgo. Then America's Great Solar Eclipse happened, and Teshuva began (a time of reflection to seek forgiveness). Thus, began the last 40 days which would end at the Day of Atonement. All this concluded God's 50-year appointed time of Restoration and the Purification, the Last Jubilee which ended at Rosh Hashanah (the day before the Great Sign appeared). This would be the most unique Jubilee of all. It would also usher in God's appointment of Trump who would restore Jerusalem to its original owner, Israel. The legal status of God's city Jerusalem would be certified by the world system.
The character of the Dragon is linked to the worship of both the creature and the world's idols. He demands a sacrifice of the innocent. Under his directive millions of babies have been killed. To blind the masses, he has also established a work-based Babylonian religion that has persisted through the ages. Note that Satan may not be interested in war at this time because he wins more souls to his side under prosperity and complacency.
In His Mercy, God is presently warning those who follow the Dragon. He is testing the nations, the institutions, the family, and individuals with bitter waters to forewarn them of what is to come. This "shadow" will give people time to contemplate the condition of their mind, soul and spirit, allowing them an opportunity to change course and make righteous choices.
Another facet of the dragon connects it to the Red Dragon of China and the 10 Headed Dragon of a future One-World Government and the pursuit of Globalism. Globalism and its one-world religion will oppose the church and the Truth of God. God has chosen Trump to fight this threat and to halt the authority and growth of this dragon, to reverse the abortion pro-Islamic actions of the Obama Administration, appoint God-fearing judges, to put a halt to the Prince of Persia (Iran) and to institutionalize Israel's Legal Right over Jerusalem and the land of Israel. Upon mighty chariots this righteous message is being carried to the four corners of the earth. And like horse-drawn chariots there will be increased tension at every corner of this planet. The chariots of Zechariah are going forth two to the northern hemisphere and one south with one waiting near the Holy City. Read The Paradigm to understand the connection between the King Jehu, the rumbling tension of the chariots, and the appointed election of Donald Trump over America.
The unique nature of the Great Sign is that it was impossible to see with naked eyes because the second the Sun appears on her shoulder the viewer is blinded by the sun’s rays. You are NOT able to see the stars nor the moon. But astronomers knew it occurred and God knew that we would have these modern-day astronomers to let us know the position of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. So, I ask you, “Why does God say, ‘And there appeared a Great Sign,’ if that sign is not visible to the eye?” This could be the KEY to the divine message. What else do we know that exists and is invisible or not visible to the human eye? YES, the supernatural, the wind and bacteria or viruses. The Sign could be warning us or preparing us for an invisible attack or series of events such as a pestilence, windstorms, or earthquakes. This includes attacks by Satan and his demons who are "invisible," plagues and the terrors that come by night.
The virus is killing an older prime generation that has run Europe for the last 50 years. These are the people that learned the lessons of WWII and are influencing governments and economies. Is another stronger wave of the virus coming in the late summer and Fall as it did with the Spanish influenza? Upon the ashes of this viral scourge will the Anti-Christ rise-up like a Phoenix? Will he win the hearts of the new generation-X and the Millennials who lean towards tolerance and a blend of Babylonian beliefs, environmentalism, creature worship, idol worship, end-of-the-world fears, abortion, and the celebration of immorality? He and his minions will rewrite history, up-root morality, and establish many false religions with false Christs, imposing a rule by persecution and unadulterated freedoms. Will the Red Dragon of Revelation 12, be worshiped and exalted by China, Russia, and all of Europe? It seems as if the spirit of the anti-Christ has already impregnated the hearts of many of their leaders. Satan is presently stirring up certain nations more than others and preparing for the rise of this charismatic Anti-Christ. Ironically, this "novel virus" is impeding the world system and may be impeding Iran’s nuclear bomb.
Part of the reason for the persecution of Jews may be that God is trying to motivate them to flee from the comfort and temptations in those very nations. Many like Weinstein, Epstein, Sanders, and Hefner never practiced the faith they were born into and have been enemies of God and the innocent. Like Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky, and other notorious Jews they forsook Almighty God. Those that still live will meet a dark end if they do not repent. Does God feel the need to act soon to save souls before evil men do more harm than good? Will He use elder Jews and the old guard leadership to quickly move Jews out of Europe and America to Israel?
The pumping of 8-15 trillion dollars of debt could begin a world-wide recession mixed with inflation. Some say a depression is on its way. Hitler showed that the most effective way to control a population is through economic collapse. AS it spreads through both Europe and the U.S., panic may set in leading to a break-up of cherished institutions. The EU was already in deep trouble before the virus hit and now that Britain is out and both Spain and Italy are crippled, pressures could intensify. The U.S. may soon be viewed as a major threat whereas China may be perceived as a white knight. We have already seen how China has manipulated our Big Alphabet Media. Was this China’s plan all along? More economic challenges related to disasters are ahead of us. This is part of the tension related to the chariots.
At present we are seeing the closure of casinos, game-parlors, theme parks, sports stadiums, music and theatric halls, movie theaters, betting events, the martial and fighting arts. The temples of idol worship are closed but so are the churches. The economy awaits a new beginning to revive the country, but will it succeed? Israel is in a lock down and tourism is dead. Is all this part of what Jesus said would be the Sign of the Time related to the Fig Tree?
The book, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown explains why and how the Fig Tree represents the modern nation of Israel. Jesus states, “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near." Does this refer to revival of the ancient Hebrew language, a once dead language? Or does this relate to the recent virus induced shutdown of the economy in Israel or to the stalemate in the leadership? Israel had 3 major elections in the span of about a year. Is it just a coincidence that New York City which has the largest concentration of Jews outside of Israel and harbors the U.N. has the distinction of owning the worst contagion of the virus in the world? To help you answer these enigmatic questions I wrote the book titled Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation.
In Matthew 24, Jesus continues, "So, you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near-at the doors!” Now 3 years later, have those doors been opened? Is this contagion part of the pestilence that Jesus warns us about? During this contagion are we seeing God working to strengthen and invigorate the nation? There is "amazing grace" as heroic first responders and others successfully fight this invisible attack. Is it more than a coincidence that this virus has the title "Corona" which means crown inferring that it is like a "king" of its realm? Is God using this virus to test the church, our nation, and the world? Read other posts and essays here at or at the Facebook page SOS or the page Cosmic Crossroad to understand the key to the Fig Tree and what the Prophetic Generation is.
The Great Sign is also a warning telling us to break away from the Anti-Christ spirit controlling nations and aiding enemy powers such as, the Dragon-like, China which has gained economic dominance at our expense. The Chinese are masters at drone warfare. The use of drones for germ warfare could be the next form of attack. China may be watching to see how this virus affects our defenses and our economy. Was SARS & other germ accidents trial runs? And now that the enemy attack has begun, is our Generation, one born at the start of the formation of the Nation of Israel in 1948, a parallel to the Prophetic Generation that both Daniel and Jeremiah belonged to? That generation saw many new beginnings and was part of Jeremiah’s 70-year prophecy which motivated the Jewish people to return to rebuild Jerusalem. Is the "Wheel of Time" about to repeat itself?
Will we see a captivity and destruction that Daniel and Jeremiah saw, or will there be a revival in the world that will save God’s remnant in remote places? Could this captivity be of a spiritual kind where our nation falls into gross materialism and idolatry? Will there be another pandemic following this one with a death rate closer to 135,000? Why is God in Heaven keeping count of numbers of new Saints & Martyrs? Will the rapture begin as soon as the number is fulfilled? Surely with such high casualty rates we are approaching this vanishing point. So, keep praying and meditating in God's Word seeking Truth that will redeem your time and thoughts. The Great Sign has announced that the stage is ready and that the last "wheel in time" has begun.
God works in both physical and spiritual trials to bring us together and closer to Him. We saw this with a tiny virus that can kill or weaken the physical but in a deeper sense can suck the air out of your space magnifying fear, hopelessness, and loneliness? It can make that hole in our lives bigger. He wants us to know that only He can fill it. He calls for us to open our eyes and heart to the simple truth that He is real and loves you: for more help you can also go to Facebook pages "SOS" Save our Souls, or Cosmic Crossroad Countdown or to the website There you will learn about the "Wheels of Time" and in my 2nd book Dentistry Xposed you will learn how to avoid lies, scams and myths.
People are stepping up in many amazing ways to beat the virus and the lie: whiskey companies are making hand-sanitizer, car companies are making ventilators, hospitals are being erected throughout the country, and some media outlets are exposing the spirit of the anti-Christ in deep state lies that do no one any good. Since the Big Alphabet stations of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC have become propaganda machines, the truth must be spread by word of mouth and on social channels. Would it not be great if we finally overcome all of this in less than 400 days?
As a doctor who has been blessed by God after having suffered under the darkness of fear and powers of the principalities of evil, I am grateful for the opportunity to help others. On the mission field in remote areas where Indigenous Indians have struggled to survive, the Lord showed each of us His power in healing, transforming, and protecting us and those in great need. In the comfort of our nation it is easy to lose God’s perspective as we pursue wealth and prestige as professionals and as businesses.
Now I feel like a lone voice calling in the wilderness and unfortunately few of those who control pulpits and the media are willing to listen. These entrenched leaders are more focused on reputations, budgets, and their own popularity. But God wants our attention. Note that there have recently been 3 deadly tornadoes throughout America that have hit at night causing massive destruction and death. Are these invisible windstorms another warning? If you want to read more about the mission to protect your health, save money, and inspire ideas, read the book Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile (JOY), and your Wallet. Profits will go to fight the battle and help those in need.
Psalm 91, written by Moses is one of the most beautiful Psalms and one that comforts the heart concerning unexpected and unseen trials. The word “pestilence” is used 3 times and the “terror that comes a night” is also unseen. By the way in the movie The Ten Commandments pestilence is also spoken of 3 times as it sweeps the land in the form of the Angel of Death killing the eldest male of each family. Is Covid-19 killing primarily the eldest males? Many people cannot sleep because of the fears, thoughts, and anxiety that meets them at bedtime. God, however, reminds us, if we abide in Him, His shadow will cover us and we can say, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my GOD in Him I will trust.” In Psalm 91, God promises, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,” and He then reminds us that we shall not be afraid of “the arrow that comes by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness.” Words that the world throws at us cannot defeat those who rest in Him, nor can the darkly conceived pestilence eternally kill Saints. “FOR HE SHALL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER YOU, TO KEEP YOU IN ALL YOUR WAYS.”
One powerful statement that God made here in Dallas was a destructive tornado which wiped out over 13 miles of suburban Dallas in the middle of the night yet did not kill nor seriously harm anyone. God completes Psalm 91 with a Gospel promise, “because you have set your love upon me, I will deliver you; I will set you on high, because you know MY NAME. You shall call upon Me, and I will answer you; I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you and honor you; with a long life I will satisfy you, and will show you My Salvation.” Jesus Christ is our Life and Salvation. Paul the Apostle promises, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” “For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting Life,” John 3:16. Jesus states, “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses,” Mark 11:25. We are to be Givers and Forgivers, In His Mighty Love & Amazing Grace, Amen.