Great Seal
From Thoughts of an Ignorant Man by Brian Asimor

Great Seal

Shown here is the Great Seal of the United States. The image is a painting I did in 1991. I did this painting at the time for no particular reason, I thought. I now believe God intended to teach me about the genius of its symbolism. I noticed as I painted it, it drew me into its unique design. All of us have thoughts. Mine at that time seemed to follow its various elements, such as the burst of stars over the birds head, the branch and arrows in the birds talons and the breastplate shield. What I have written in the following are the thoughts received when painting it. I hope you see in it what I was able to see.

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1. Divine Connection… God’s Light, Inspiration and guidance to Israel West of the Earth.

2. The Majestic Eagle... lofty, rising high above the land, watching vigilantly over it’s territories. Ever ready to swoop down on vermin and threats to its domain. This symbol of strength and deliberation is holding the instruments of accommodation and retribution in its talons. It is the Phoenix which rose from the old world to bring anew, a nation of and by the people. A bird needs both wings to fly, so too does our country require both wings, the right conservative and the left liberal. The bird will not fly with one wing, nor can it fly with its wings crossed. This applies to our government as well. The liberals need the conservatives as the conservative need the liberals. We need not the one crossing over to the other. We need both to function as designed by God, Liberal, as the heart and conscience of our government and Conservative as the mind and reason of our government. Together, they lift our Country to its lofty destiny.

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3. The Vertical Kingdom... All things in creation have an active and a passive side. This can be witnessed in a simple “Tea Pot”. The Handle is the passive side while the spout is the active side. Though the handle directs the spout, the handle cannot pour out the content. Pouring is the function of the spout. The spout in turn cannot direct itself without the handle. So it is with our form of Government. The Left requires the Right and the Right requires the Left. Keeping balance requires vertical equilibrium. This is witnessed in a rocket blasting off to the Moon, to a child growing to adulthood. This too, is required of our government and its structure. There must be a balance between the active and passive force. This Divine Law is witnessed in our Great Seal at the Vertical Center, from top on down. This axis of balance and equilibrium with its active and passive sides offers strength and direction. When America keeps God in mind as each of us swear our allegiance to him, then America will live out its true destiny. This is keeping mindful of our motto, “In God we trust”!

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4. Divine Female Principle... The Influence of the Female Polarity is passive or liberal, left wing. When our leaders govern from the extreme Left, the country falls towards Communism or Socialism. This ultimately leads to Tyranny and failure.

5. Divine Male Principle... The Influence of the Male Polarity is active or conservative, right wing. When our leaders govern from extreme right, the country falls towards Fascism. This ultimately leads to Tyranny and failure as well.

6. Shield... The breast plate or "shield of wisdom and understanding" is held in balance by the strength of the bird. Displayed on it we see the colors of our flag, Red which is Active/Electric represents the Male Polarity of God. White which is God’s Divine Light and his creative direction. Blue which is Passive/Magnetic represents the Female Polarity of God.

7. God Over All... The first and top ellipse represents the Spirit of Almighty God, Creator of all things. This Ellipse represents GOD, OVER ALL.

8. In Image of God... The bottom ellipse represents the spirit of mankind. It is mirrored vertically below the top ellipse which is God. Man is created in the image of God.

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The following twelve ellipses represent qualities bestowed by God for our nation and its people. They will shower down to us as long as we recognize and acknowledge that this nation is under God, and that we the people, govern it by the dictate of his Laws.

9. INITIATIVE... Taking action with resolve!

10. ADEPT... Using the gifts or talents we have!

11. FAITH...  Believe in our abilities!

12. HARMONY... Balanced accord!

13. FREEDOM...  The power to think, speak and act openly!

14. TRUTH...  Accepting and living reality!

15. UNITY...  The joining to be one, we the people!

16. ATTAINMENT...  The reaching of goals through achievement!

17. FORTITUDE…  Steadfast tenacity!

18. SERVICE…  Commitment of help and assistance!

19. BENEVOLENCE… Extending goodwill and humanitarianism!

20. STABILITY…  Offering reliability and trust!

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21. Signet Star of Creation... 13 Stars held together within a six pointed star (the Signet Star of Creation). This represents the birth of our nation established by Divine Providence and signifying: “We the People, One People, One Nation under God”. The positioning of these stars at the top signifies God’s intent to raise our thoughts, words and deeds as a collective group. Stimulating our potential and enabling us to realize our true destiny.

22. Left Wing...  The Left Wing of the Bird. (Liberal) Outstretched carries the weight of Accommodation.

23. Right Wing... The Right Wing of the Bird. (Conservative) Outstretched carries the weight of Justice.

The Bird needs both wings to fly. It needs both wings to lift equally to gain height. During the course of its climb, it cannot cross its wings or hold them to its body or it will lose altitude rapidly. This is an example for our Representative Leaders. They must always lift their respective Liberal and Conservative side equally. The bird cannot fly if he cross his wings or holds them to the center of his body. Likewise, our leaders cannot cross the isle or claim a centrist posture. Governing requires the equal give and take of balanced compromise. Not what is known today a bipartisanship. Bipartisan is a “politically correct” term used to intimidate legislators, forcing their vote using it in the media to win public opinion. It is not Governing by compromise.

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24. Banner of One People... The banner of conviction is held in the bird’s mouth firmly. It states commitment to assimilation and unity, “one from many”, “E PLURIBUS UNUM”!

25. Priority of Commitment...  The Bird is shown looking to the left. This is always first in matters of state. Here our country offers the Olive Branch held in the left talon. The olive branch of friendship and diplomacy. WHEN DIPLOMACY FAILS, the Bird looks to the right and our nation goes to war as witnessed from the arrows or weapons in the right talon

26. The Left...  The Left, governed by the Passive Female Principle. This side is all about Liberal Accommodation. This side is more open to change and experimental governing.

27. The Right...  The Right, governed by the Active Male Principle. This side is all about Conservative Justice. This side is more open to tradition and Rule of Law.

Each side requires the other to prevent the country from Falling to either side. Left to the extreme is Communism! Right to the extreme is Fascism. Our founding fathers understood this and put into place various checks and balances to guard against this happening. These checks and balances are noted in our Constitution and This Great Seal!


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