The Great Resignation: why are people leaving their jobs? What can employers do to change this?

The Great Resignation: why are people leaving their jobs? What can employers do to change this?

Recent research reveals that one-third of UK’s workers are considering a career change in 2022. This change has been called “The Great Resignation”. But why is it happening and what can employers do to retain their employees?

A survey of 1000 workers recently found that almost a third (29%) of UK workers are considering moving to a new job this year. The study found that the most impacted industries are Legal (44%), IT & Telecoms (42%), and Sales, Media & Marketing (40%), however, it is suspected that almost all industries have been or will be impacted by this mass migration of staff. The study also uncovered that a reported 32% of people had delayed leaving their jobs. So why now?

Maybe it sounds obvious, but the change is likely prompted by the pandemic. Changes to the world of work throughout the pandemic, such as remote or flexible working, have promoted further changes. For this reason, companies offering remote or hybrid working are less likely to be impacted by The Great Resignation. Near 1 in 3 (28%) of workers admit that flexible working policies are encouraging them to stay in their current job, whereas workplaces that have been less flexible are more likely to lose employees. 1 in 5 workers reports that they are looking to leave their current job due to their boss being inflexible to the prospect of online working (16%), with 20% of remote workers feeling that their boss favours people who work in the office over people who work remotely.

Technology has also been a big part of this change. As remote working has become more popular, our reliance on technology has increased, meaning that companies that have the correct software and technology will have an advantage. Consider updating your software for more streamlined operations. It can help those in the office and those at home by making it easier to communicate, organise and plan.

But how else can you combat The Great Resignation?

Looking to the future and being open-minded can make all the difference. Introducing new policies or making changes to demonstrate value to your employees can help to avoid losing them. Value is everything and figuring out new ways to improve people’s working lives and demonstrating to them that they are valued can help to prevent you from losing your employees.

However, retaining employees isn’t everything – be open to taking on new people too! The Great Resignation has caused a huge influx of people looking for work or even looking into their options. This is a great opportunity that should be harnessed! Recent research reveals that after improved salaries, employers attract new or potential employees with flexible or remote working (30%), followed by extra holidays and days off (25%). Whatever you think about The Great Resignation, its reality is undeniable, adapting with the times can help you to avoid losing an excess of employees and to keep you on the right track.


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