Is The Great Resignation for real?
John Gardiner
When you want the freedom of owning your own successful business and finally have control over your life, ask me how ... I can help you.
There is a whole lot of talk, publicity and hype around what is being called ‘The Great Resignation’. So, what is ‘The Great Resignation?’
Put simply, there are millions of employees around the world who, because they have had time to reflect on their lives during COVID, they have decided to chance their arm and start their own business or go looking for a better job. By the way, JOB can also be an acronym for Just Over Broke so the ones who are going to start a business may have a better chance at happiness.
That being said, the metrics around start-up business failures are pretty shocking so the entrepreneurs may want to be very careful about what they start-up. Over 75% of business start-ups will fail within 5 years with half of those going in the first year – ouch! If this is you or you know someone who is looking to get into their own business, there are some serious principles and paths that you might like to follow. You could also read The 3 Secrets of Business Success -? set up your business so that failure has a very slim chance.
OK. Commercial over, let’s get into some useful tips that will help you choose the right path.
1. you need to figure out what the true purpose of your business is. Why is it there?
2. you need to understand that business is simple. Just find out what people want and show them how to get it.
3. you need to understand the difference between Needs and Wants. This is critical to getting into the right markets. – free chapter of the book, Needs vs Wants at?
Next you need to look at how you are going to get the product/service to your customer. Will you use a 20th?Century model like the Wholesale/Retail model or a 21st?Century model like on-line?
The holy grail of business these days is to create a global subscription (they call it frictionless) business that keeps selling your product or service 24/7. That way you get paid while you sleep and weather and other circumstances do not affect delivery of your product etc. Are these businesses really available to the average person out there?
Well, yes. With some of the special ones, you can even start them before you quit your job and replace your income before you tell your boss where to put it. Sounds too good to be true? You could be right but thinking like that will hold you back in your chosen business.
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The Great Resignation is already happening in Western countries and will be a global phenomenon in the next few years. It just may be the key to your fulfilment.
John Gardiner has owned 7 businesses over 35 years and is the author of The 3 Secrets of Business Success