Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
As delivered in a speech to Europe at CPACHungary, there was great concern over how the former European, basically Christian population of so many countries has been overtaken by majority mainly Muslim immigrants and how this is leading to unacceptable behaviour. The speaker did not see this as a good thing, blaming mostly Brussels for their attitude and for not fighting back.
So if this is a problem, when musing that humans are basically an advanced form of animal species, a great deal of our behaviour will be similar to animals. In this we see how different types of monkeys living in a region do not really get along with each other and if one group becomes dominant, they take over and even drive the others out. Why then is there surprise when our human animal species despite our enlightenment follows on a similar path? Even my neighbour at the time in Dar es Salaam, Chimp lady Jane Goodall had kept her son "Grub" in a cage to keep him safe from her chimpanzees.
If this replacement is seemingly inevitability against which so many European countries are arguing, the question becomes whether it has already gone too far when, at last count, eight Councils in the EU were run by Muslims, with cities elsewhere, such as Rotterdam having 60% immigrants: London itself has 54%. What then is the percentage after which the newcomers take over? Has the former population already given up to just accept a different cultural identity? The question might be whether this is all acceptable if everyone could get along with each other but would they?
When ever this question is contemplated, Dostoevsky's story in Crime and Punishment comes to mind, featuring this poor former student helped by a mentor he then senselessly kills because he somehow doesn't feel his life will improve. A bit like going to a country for benefits it can provide then destroying it into the country you came from.
In Hungary's speech addressing Europe, there is the call for enough - and a need to fight back, followed by the call for a united Christian front to tackle the problem of turning around the seemingly inevitable immigration influx. Of course, therein lies the rub. How did all this problem come about but through this wonderful Christian ethos of love thy neighbour, don't kill but forgive others and do unto others while not converting thy neighbour's wife or his ass? Great sentiments if you believe all of these demands coming from some supernatural but unproven God but of no use when others not only think you are stupid, while brought up from birth to classify you as the enemy even under the same monotheist god, just different rules: where opting out you can not only be cancelled from your own community but killed for apostasy.
So will any of this change? Not in the short run, but if you look at other religions, the Christians are no longer burning people at the stake, and the Jews confine their conflicts territorially, so perhaps eventually Islam will become more tolerant even if this still seems a long way off. Under the animal hypothesis, the new religious "species" seem to inevitably take over in the existing Western territories until people understand the truth behind religion being symbolic as a panacea against human's greatest fear, that of dying and the God they need is an internal personal God, not one manufactured by men to keep people paying their tithes...