The Great Pause of 2020
While the “Great Pause” is wreaking real time havoc on every human alive, and all throughout the globe. It’s also a once-in a decade opportunity. A time to reflect and pause.
If you’re anything like me, life was moving like a non-stop train right before everything has stopped in the early part of 2020. There was always something to do. Always some place I just needed to be. And never enough time to do any of it.
While I was successfully juggling several parts of my business, I intuitively sensed that things could be better. Yet, what was that elusive “thing” – it was just not clear.
The Great Pause. After most of my previously scheduled events and conferences, were put on hold or postponed. For the first time, in a long time – I suddenly had a bit of time on my hands.
And the most miraculous thing occurred. Now I can firmly cut away things that were not working. Such activities and events that were not producing revenue, yet they were taking extraordinary amount of time and energy. Now I feel empowered to stop doing things, that in the past might have created a great deal of consternation. This intoxicating freedom is a big deal.
The Great Pause, has given me the permission and rationale to stop doing things, that were never productive in the first place.
It is so much easier to allow yourself to let go. To let go of everything that serves as a distraction to your real purpose. And it’s especially easier, when that permission comes from within as initiated from an external event.
As hyper-competitive and productive, we imagine ourselves to be - this Great Pause is the reminder for everyone. It reminds us, that only we create the frames of our own identity.
If you decide to be productive, you will be exactly that. If you decide to slack off, that’s exactly what you’ll get.
So how about now, you decide to remain productive. Yet, not spending time on distractions. Not to waste time on anything that clouds your clarity. And yes, those distractions may take many forms.
Netflix. Boredom eating. Self-congratulatory social activities.
In some ways, the Great Pause is a reset point. It brings clarity. It can give you the permission to stop with distractions. Now.
This reset has allowed us to decide and cutoff everything that’s no longer working. And decision is power. It is almost ironic that, the Latin root word from which decision comes from, literally means “to cut off.”
This time of decision (The Great Pause) will challenge your beliefs, assumptions and your habits. Think of it as a test, to clarify your thinking. Allow yourself to clear the mind and remove the heavy smoke of distractions.
Now, you can decide to move forward as a human being with a deeper sense of freedom. You are no longer at the whim of energy-sucking distractions. You have cleared the mental cache. It’s liberating and powerful.
More freedom. Less cloudiness.
It’s marvelous thing.