Great paths to secure inner peace
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
The best answer to this question is - find the cause of making you unrest and erase it completely. I have seen people are living their life with a big wound. People never enter into the cause, never try to look deep into it. There is nothing in this life where we can’t reach, people reach to God through their self-exertion, what to talk about peace? Inner peace lies inside all of us, what needs to do to get it? Dig deep inside you.
Nature is a self governing system and everything that exists in this entire universe including us are a part of it. This system’s guiding principal is karma. Everyone and everything creates karmas and then get its results and this cycle keeps on repeating itself. This system changes for no one. For example sun rises in the east and goes down in west, it’s a system and nothing can change this system. Similarly certain events in our lives also can not be changed. These incidents happen no matter how hard we try to change them. Change is inevitable whether we like it or not. Remember, change is the only constant. This is how Nature functions.
"That which is, is peace. All that we need do is keep quiet. Peace is our real nature. We spoil it. All that is required is that we cease to spoil it". - Ramana Maharshi. Our situation with regard to peace is a strange one. We’re like someone who is running fast, all the while saying they just want to be still. “Stop running!” our friends say. “If only I could,” we reply.Nothing is stopping us from stopping but us. That’s the irony of our situation.
Imagine you have a rich friend who loves collecting elephant figurines. One day, she admits she has too many elephants. They’re filling her hallways and becoming a nuisance. She wants to clear them out and she wonders how this can be done. She considers: Giving them away. Selling them. Starting an elephant museum. You visit her ten years later, and she’s still surrounded by elephants. She says she has not found an adequate method to clear them out. “But all of your strategies are fine!” you tell her.
“It’s complicated,” she says. “But any method will work!” you sputter. “Or just toss them out! Or leave your house unlocked, and they’ll disappear by themselves!” “My elephant specialist says we underestimate the complexity of elephant removal,” your friend says as she shows you the door. “You’re only working with that guy because he’s willing to tell you that!” you yell, from the elephant-filled porch. The reason for not having peace within ourselves is the human nature of working against the Nature.
The moment something changes in our lives which we don't want to happen, we start putting all our energy in working against it. This is the core reason for not having peace in our lives. For example when someone who we like a lot goes away from our lives, we try every means available to stop him/her from doing so. He/she goes away but still we keep on trying to win him/her over and over again fruitlessly. What we don't realise is, it was his/her time to go and nothing can stop it. Our karmas were tied together only till the time he/she was there with us. We fear the change.
Second biggest reason for not having peace in our lives is that we want to control everything and everyone. For example if someone in our lives is not behaving as we would want him/her to, we immediately try to control that person. We forget to realise that he/she is more than a mere husband or son or a daughter, he/she is completely a different being and is on his/her journey and we are only a small part of his/her journey.
In almost every household this unending war of control is going on. Nobody just lets the things be. Everyone thinks that he/she is more than perfect and others who are obviously imperfect should behave as he/she wants them to be. This is the reason for everyday wars in our households. And it is not limited to people only. We want to control each and every situation as per our liking. But well, we can not do that. And this endless war of control never lets us remain at peace.
See the key to find inner happiness is to go with the flow. Let happen whatever happens. Don't try to control events or people. Understand that we all are part of a grand show. And this show is so huge that we can't even imagine its limits. Become an observer of your life. Stop playing and let the Nature play. As Tulsidas Ji said, Ja vidhi raakhe, so vidhi rahiye/ I’ll live the way You want me to live.
It is ok if you wish to achieve something in life or want to have someone particular around you or to expect respect and love from others. But if after repeated efforts that's not happening then just leave it to the Nature. Accept the change whatever it may be. You may think that whatever is happening around you is bad but that may not necessarily be true. Nothing happens without a reason and that is the Nature’s way to make you understand few things.
Transition is always difficult. But once are over with it only then you’ll realise how important it was for you. Happiness and sadness keeps on coming in phases in everyone’s life. There is no way to ensure that we’ll only receive happiness in our lives. So to be at peace rise above this never ending cycle of happiness and sadness. Cheers!
Founder & Business Coach ( ACC - ICF ) at TransformzU Consulting | Business Consulting | Sales Coaching | Go-to-market Strategist | Sales Trainer | Storyteller | Growing the Sales TRIBE
3 年Lovely post Kishore Shintré
Well said Kishore Shintré.