There are great opportunities for London based Restaurant Owners in 2018...
Asari St-Hill MBA
ActionCOACH, Executive Coach, Trainer and Diversity Champion / Business Writer for The Voice Newspaper / Professional Speaker
With the economy growing, casual dining continues to grow at a pace but restaurant owners and managers need to step up, to keep ahead of their competition.
So many modern diners are willing to experiment with new locations and new foods but will stay loyal to restaurants with great service and atmospheres. It is not just about the food but "the experience". The small touches as always go a long way - for example - staff who introduce themselves by name; prompt drink orders and then food orders; able to make recommendations and comment on the food and drink offers; offer of free drinking water; very clean toilets and more...
On-line reviews are critical to modern diners and will build or kill your business if you get the service wrong. But maintaining contact with your customers and local prospects will improve the size and repeat nature of your customer base. Positive engagement via social media is essential for younger diners and increasingly important to most diners. Using technology to give free wifi via customer log-in will help build your customer database, ease of requesting feedback and allowing you to keep in contact with your customers. We have not even touched on how to increase the average cover value and overall profitability yet - next time.
Please feedback on your thoughts about the London dining sector.