Great News for Members & Magazine Update
Jean Macdonald
I have created the Midlife Butterfly Club as a Community to support and guide women going their midlife transition with the help of those who care for them.
Our vision is to have a fixed area of resources for Members.?This is different from the Magazine which contains ever-changing articles on many subjects to support midlife women.? In the Members Area, you will be able to visit a particular topic where you are looking for information or are having challenges. We will follow the format of the Six?Things that Can Hold Midlife Women Back which are:
If you are a regular reader of our Updates and Magazine, isn’t it time you became a Silver Member at no cost? Follow this link to find out more about the benefits of Silver membership to you if you are a midlife woman who really wants to change her life. Love, Jean
What’s in the Magazine now
Keeping the Love Alive
Falling in love is easy, but keeping a relationship strong takes effort, including good communication, self-discipline, and understanding the different stages of love. The article talks about three types of love - Romantic, Working, and Midlife - and the challenges that come up with each.??
Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire No.1
In this first video of my series on finding and keeping love in middle life, I explore the key reasons why many women?struggle to attract or maintain the love they truly want in middle life.?The insights are as relevant today as when I created this series for Valentine’s Day.
What is Valentine’s Day for?
What is Valentine’s Day for? Many midlife women seek the love they were promised in Fairy Tales and Rom Coms. These stories always end with the implied sentiment?‘They Lived Happily Ever After.’.? Maybe they did but most didn't. So?what does Valentine’s Day truly mean, especially for those in long-term relationships?
What’s Wrong with the Missionary Position? (MEMBERS ONLY)
The missionary position is often seen as traditional, yet it may not provide the deep connection or excitement many desire. This post explores why it can feel uninspiring and how emotional intimacy can transform sexual satisfaction.
So you don't miss these or any other articles. come and visit us regularly. Articles are only in the magazine for a limited time... Put this link into your Favourites?
What’s Coming up
What Happened to Your Sex Drive? (MEMBERS ONLY)
If you’ve reached midlife, you may have noticed shifts in your sex drive, often due to life’s increasing demands. This post explores the natural phases of love and how to nurture intimacy in Mature Love.
Why you may not be getting the Love You Desire No.3
Many people struggle to find the love they truly desire because they aren’t clear on what they need. This post explores how writing down your relationship expectations can help attract or cultivate the right partner.
Looking for Love
Many people search for lasting love, but few truly understand its different stages. From passionate beginnings to working through life’s demands and finally embracing mature love, each phase requires its own approach. This post explores the natural progression of love and how understanding it can lead to deeper, more fulfilling relationships.
Rediscovering Pleasure After 50 (MEMBERS ONLY)
Rediscovering pleasure after 50 is not only possible—it can be life-changing. Many cultures celebrate menopausal women as wise and powerful, yet society often overlooks their sensuality. This post explores how embracing pleasure in all its forms can lead to deeper self-love, fulfilment, and joy at any age.
We want to hear from you, our readers. Do you like the articles we put in the magazine? Are there some you want more of or less of??Please email the editor at ?[email protected] Keep coming back to the Magazine regularly, if you don’t want to miss out. All the articles, videos and audio tracks are only available for a limited time.