A Great Mantra for Stress-free Life

A Great Mantra for Stress-free Life

Money is the one thing that will test your relationship harder than anything else. Financial stress can strain relationships as well. But by practicing financial discipline, you can ensure that money does not become a source of stress in your life.

Financial discipline is about making conscious choices about managing one’s finances responsibly so that it doesn’t cause unnecessary stress in your life. It means managing your resources responsibly and not letting money control you. Money should instead be an empowering tool in furthering your dreams, fueling legitimate aspirations, and achieving future goals – so long as you practice financial discipline.

What if I told you that an unbridled, carefree life could be yours? In fact, it is possible to lead a stress-free life. However, your present circumstances might go against this belief. You are probably right when you say that money can’t buy happiness. But it can help you lead a much more stress-free life.

Financial discipline is precisely what is needed to have a stress-free life. It helps us achieve our financial goals and experience the art of giving.

Why Financial Discipline?

Keeping a budget and staying financially responsible is no easy feat. Even when having some money, it can feel like an uphill battle to stay on track. There are so many tempting things to buy that have nothing to do with necessities or saving for a rainy day. And the minute we allow ourselves to be sucked into that vortex of spending, good luck ever getting our finances back in check again.

That’s why it’s so crucial to practice financial discipline. If you don’t have a budget, start by creating one - every month, every week, whatever works for you and your situation. Come up with a number that represents how much you want to spend on all non-essential items and services throughout the month; this will give you an idea of how much flexibility you need if you want to stick with your new habit.

Steps of financial planning

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  • Baseline your current financial situation
  • Risk Profiling
  • Goal setting based on needs assessment
  • Identify and evaluate investment strategies
  • Set a financial plan
  • Implement and monitor the financial plans
  • Review and re-evaluate the financial plans based on further needs assessment


Diversify your investments across different asset classes for a high degree of protection against risk. Invest in a variety of asset classes, not just one, to increase your potential to earn higher returns.

It is recommended to go for long-term guaranteed income or endowment plans along with a mix of stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate. This will help you to reduce risk and increase your chances of getting a higher return.

Strategies of financial planning will depend on individual needs, risk profile, and financial goals. For those of you who would like some tips to start off - the following are some priorities one needs to set up as a starting point.

Life Protection Plan

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Protect yourself and your family from any major financial meltdowns due to unexpected events in a lifecycle. E.g. Protection plans are often long-term and cover the below incidents:

Term Plan - Covers life - Offers death benefit to the beneficiary on the demise of the insured.

Term Plan + ROP - Offers death benefit to the beneficiary on the demise of the insured. If the insured survives the term, he can enjoy the Premium paid for the life cover.

Term Plan + Income - Offers death benefit to the beneficiary on the demise of the insured. These plans also offer 0.1% to 0.15% of the sum assured as income.

Riders - Most of these plans also have inbuilt or optional riders depending on the company offerings. Most of these riders cover:

Accident Death Benefit (ADB)

Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Benefit (ATPD)


Hospital Care

Terminal Illness

Savings Plan

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Objectives of saving are mostly dependent on a financial plan charted out much early in life. Most of these savings are prioritized based on the goals outlined in the financial plan.

Goals for saving could be classified under:

  • Life cover (10 to 12 times of annual earning)
  • Marriage (based on personal goal)
  • Children's education (based on personal goals)
  • Home (4 to 5 times your annual earning)
  • Travel (based on personal goal)
  • Pay off high-interest debts (prepayment-based planning)
  • Emergency fund (6 months' salary as a minimum and for retired individuals, the 1-year salary must be available considering no earnings and rising medical expenses)
  • Retirement Corpus (15% of monthly salary must be apportioned towards retirement and at least a corpus of 20 times your annual salary must be available at retirement - considering retirement at 60 and a life expectancy up to 80).

Tip: Find a mentor to ensure you have guidance on value and risk-based investing.

Where to invest

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Before you invest in any asset class ensure to complete a risk assessment and understand your risk appetite. Risks can be broadly classified under:

Market Risk - Balanced portfolio with a fair share of equity, bonds, ETFs, and cash holding allows to limit the impact of volatility.

Company-specific Risk - Diversification is the best option to overcome this risk apart from fundamental analysis.

Opportunity cost - Based on the risk assessment determine the portion of your portfolio to be invested in growth funds. This is one way to offset lesser earnings instruments.

Liquidity Risk - Most stocks and ETFs are liquid but it's important to keep track on a daily basis of the bid-ask rate prior to selling.

Risk Averse Investments

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If you are risk averse it's best to have a balanced portfolio with a good spread over long-term secure instruments like Government Bonds, T bills, guaranteed endowment plans, etc.

We recommend you invest in the stock market only after fundamental research and thorough analysis. Yet many of these investments have paid off only 2 to 3 times on average over the last 31 years. Invest a small percentage of your savings each month in market-linked assets.

Keep your investments: In a high-yield long-term investment.

Spend your money: On a debt fund that has a long-term guarantee.

Diversify: Through a mix of equity and debt with more weightage on secure investments.

Protect yourself: By investing in Term and keeping a good percentage in high yield annuity plans for sunset years.

Retirement Plan

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Retirement plans generally come with an annuity plan offering a yearly payout. These are often taxable and hence it's important to really consult prior to investing in retirement plans.

To derive a good risk reward ratio, a risk assessment must be completed, and individual risk appetite needs to be determined prior to investing. Invest in high-quality assets that have a good track record. Do your research and pick a fund or an asset that you believe in. Most importantly, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

This is especially important for retirement planning. There are a variety of ways to invest long-term, through growth funds, guaranteed returns plans, ETFs, Index funds, and mutual funds. There are also several ways to invest short term, including through money market funds, Treasury bills, REITs, and corporate bonds.


Whatever your preferred investment strategy, the most important thing is to do research, put your money into something that has a good track record, and stay invested for the long term. You can do this by investing in a Term Income plan or a pension fund. Term Income plans give you a fixed sum of money each month also covering risks associated with life. You can’t do much better than this if you want to ensure that you have a reliable stream of income over the long term. You just need to be patient and let the investments grow over time.

Investing in a long-term investment will help you get a good return on your money and reduce the risk of losing a lot of money at a short notice. In a long-term investment, you can choose a fixed rate of interest as opposed to a highly volatile instrument that has a higher rate of interest.

Benefits of Financial Planning

A Financial Plan Prevents Overwhelm and Helps You Stay Focused

Financial plans are a great way to stay focused on your goals. It helps you set long-term and short-term goals for your finances and evaluate progress. They also help stay on track by reminding you to make financial decisions and sticking to your budget. Having a financial plan is a great way to stay on top of your finances.

Financial Discipline Improves Mental Health and Sense of Well-Being

There are many reasons why it’s important to practice financial discipline. They are not just about reaching a certain goal, about reaching a certain age or building up a certain amount of money. It’s about becoming more confident and more self-assured in yourself. It’s about being proud of what you have accomplished, what you have achieved, and feeling good about where you are in life. There is also the sense of purpose that comes along with being financially responsible. It’s something that helps you feel like you are making an impact in the world and that you are making a difference.

You Are Debt-Free

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It’s so important to be debt-free. It doesn't matter what your income is – if you have any debt, it negatively impacts your finances and your quality of life if not managed well. We spend a lot of time thinking about how we are going to fix our finances, but we rarely take the time to figure out what they were like, to begin with. It puts you in a place where you’re constantly worried about how you’re going to pay off the debt.

There are different types of debt that people can get into, and it is important for people to know what type of debt they have and how to deal with it. Credit card debt, student loan debt, car loans, mortgages, or any other type of loan can become a burden if you are not cautious. By understanding the different types of financial debt, you can make better decisions about how to best handle your situation. What’s not okay is being in debt. Just like having a financial goal for your investments, a plan to overcome debt can help you stay sane and prevent you from getting into further debts or loans.

Few popular methods to overcome debt:

  • Prioritizing loan payouts based on available finances and max exposure
  • Consolidation of Loans to work out better interest rates
  • Loan restructuring - opting for loan rewriting with a higher credit score (leads to less interest on the loan)
  • Timely payments to avoid additional interest
  • Loan transfer to lower interest-based providers
  • Pre-payment of loan
  • Foreclosure of loan on receiving working bonus/profits
  • Reduce loan tenure
  • Pay mortgages by renting a portion of the property (garage or unused spaces)
  • Attach your vehicle with leading vehicle rental agencies and derive income to pay off loans

Tip: Do not forget to opt for Loan insurance (avoids the burden of loan repayment by your heirs in your absence)

You Have an Emergency Fund

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Emergency funds are money that you set aside, preferably in a savings account, that you can use to handle unexpected expenses. This could be something as small as a few dollars to cover last-minute travel expenses that pop up. Or it might be a larger expense like a car repair that you haven't budgeted for. A well-managed fund will help you avoid the pain and embarrassment of mismanaging the funds that you have saved up for a legitimate, yet unplanned expense.

You Have a Plan for Your Money

The most effective way to budget is to first have a clear idea of how you intend to spend your money. Once you know this, you are in a better position to make changes when necessary. So many budgeting mistakes that people make include wasting money on things they don’t really need. Budgeting doesn’t just have to be about money, it also includes time. If you don’t have a plan for how you intend to use your time, it can easily become a part of your monthly budget. Take some time to think about what you want to get out of your monthly funds. Do you want to save for a vacation? Make a down payment on your house? Whatever your goals are, it’s important that they are realistic and that they aren’t just a pipe dream.

You Can Travel Without Worrying About Money

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If you’re like most people, you’re always worried about money when it comes to traveling. You think about how expensive it is, about how you’re going to pay for it all off, and about how you’re going to deal with it if something goes wrong. But the truth is that you don’t have to be stressed about money when it comes to traveling. You don’t have to have a ton of money saved up. You don’t have to be part of a fancy club or have a trust fund. All you need is a little bit of patience and a lot of research. There are plenty of options out there for people of all budgets and with a little research, you can find a way to travel that keeps your travel expenses low while still providing you with a fun and memorable experience.


Plan and book in advance

Avail offers during the off-season for your travels and vacations

Group bookings can offer exclusive discounts - Plan it with relatives, colleagues or friends

Use travel apps to join group travels

Consolidate travel points and avail free tickets and upgrades for your travel

In case of medical emergency use medical travel / compassionate travel cover in medical insurance

Financial freedom

Financial freedom is a powerful feeling.

Having enough money to do what you want without the worry of running out is the idea behind it. You don't have to worry about money anymore. Instead, you know that you are financially stable. You know that you have enough money to pay your bills and buy the things you need. You can take care of your family and loved ones without having to worry about money. It’s knowing that you can give back to your community without the fear of not being able to contribute.

Role of Inflation (Bonus tip)

This is especially for those who made it up until this section.

The rule of 70 can help you determine how long it will take for the value of money to decrease by 70 percent if inflation continues at its current pace. You simply divide 70 with the current inflation rate to determine how long it will take for your Rs 100 note to be worth just Rs 50.

This is quite essential to understand the impact of inflation on our investments and weigh options and prioritize our goals accordingly.


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You can create a better financial future for yourself by practicing financial discipline. It’s easier said than done, but it’s important to remember that it’s a process and not a race. It’s important to stay focused, be patient, and don’t get too overwhelmed by the process. And most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

Find a financial plan that works for you. Find a way to invest that works with your lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be something that you enjoy and something that brings you peace of mind in the long run.

If you find this topic interesting, feel free to leave a comment. Would be excited to hear from you. To learn more about investing feel to email me at [email protected]


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