The Great Lie
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
You've been conditioned in The Great Lie.
Did that give you a Triple Espresso Jolt?
I don't care who you are, what country you live in, or how old you are. You've been conditioned in this GREATEST of Lies.
The Lie?
"My house"
"My business"
"My bank account"
"My net worth"
"My car"
"My body"
"My wife"
"My husband"
"My boyfriend"
"My girlfriend"
"My kids" (oh, I bet that touches a wire for you if you're a parent)
"My friends and family"
"My reputation"
"My investments"
NONE of them are "yours."
Every single thing you think you own or possess, will eventually belong to SOMEONE ELSE someday; and "your kids" have their OWN life. They're NOT "yours" either.
No exception.
They're ALL going away; and when this particular game is over, you won't take ANY of these people or things with you!
Take it from the voice of experience. All the THINGS I thought I "had" were GONE in 30 days or less in 2010.
ANYTHING that can be taken away is NOT yours! Never were. Therefore they have NO real value.
You're a temporary custodian of a tool or experience for a time. Enjoy them, experience them. But IF you DEFINE your sense of SELF by them, you're setting yourself up for tremendous pain.
The ONLY thing that has intrinsic value.
The ONLY thing that's "real."
Is that which can NEVER be taken away.
Lead from the center.
Maybe it's time to recenter, redefine, and refocus. Before life does it for you.
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