Great Leaders Are Accountable
Becoming Your Best Global Leadership
Helping you develop high-performance People, Culture, & Strategy
Accountability – the willingness to take ownership of decisions, actions, and outcomes – is a key cornerstone to effective leadership. So, how do you develop both the mindset and the skillset of a highly accountable leader? Let's jump into it and find out!
What is the Accountability Mindset
This mindset involves learning to take ownership of your choices, actions, and outcomes. It is literally saying, "I am responsible," "I own this," and "That was my fault."
Taking ownership and being accountable also means you don't blame or criticize others -- that's simply no longer part of your mindset. And, because you take ownership and don't blame others, you don't shy away from setbacks. You recognize them as a chance to learn, grow, better communicate, and try again -- but smarter.
How to Develop the Accountability Mindset
There are two key components to developing this mindset. First, adopt and regularly say aloud these key phrases: "I am responsible," "I own this," and "This is my fault." That's where ownership and accountability begin.
Second, eliminate blaming, finger pointing, and criticizing. These natural tendencies are the antithesis of accountability. Becoming Your Best often shares a "21-Day Challenge" with this leadership principle, which is an invitation to eliminate any and all blaming, finger pointing, or criticizing for 21 days. Try it out, it is transformational!
The Accountability Skillset
Here are some key skills to develop accountability and be more accountable:
Wrapping Up
By developing and improving this mindset and skillset, you will be a highly accountable individual and leader. You will inspire accountability in those around you and create a highly accountable culture. Trust, performance, integrity, morale, communication, and results will all improve! And that's becoming your best!
"Responsibility equals accountability, accountability equals ownership, and a sense of ownership is the most powerful thing a team or organization can have." Patricia "Pat" Summitt (Winningest Women's College Basketball Coach)
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