The Great Kitchen Debate: Distraction or Devotion Which Is Better
Featured image: Photos by Monika and Elina Fairytale from Pixabay | Adobe

The Great Kitchen Debate: Distraction or Devotion Which Is Better

The Complaint: My, Me, Myself; a Victim Story

Martha opens her house for Jesus and makes herself busy trying to prepare; probably a meal. See, hospitality was held in high esteem in the culture of those days. The story says that she was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. It leads us to the "Great Kitchen Debate. Distraction or Devotion Which Is Better?"

Now she had a sister named Mary. She came and sat at Jesus' feet listening to his words. This troubles Martha. She comes and asks Jesus, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me."

This seems to be a normal complaint and request in this context. One person is doing all the work. The other is simply chatting with the guest. Martha feels herself a victim left alone to do all the work.

Don't you also feel like complaining when others seem to take it easy while you alone shoulder the burdens at work, whether it be home or office?

The Response: Nailing the Problem Which Is Lack of Focus

What makes this normal situation different is Jesus' response: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Jesus is not finding fault with Martha's hospitality. But Jesus is pointing out that she is worried and upset about many things. The language that Jesus used tells us about a person being pulled in different directions at the same time. There seems to be a lack of focus.

Isn't it typical of many of us? Aren't we pulled in many different directions when it comes to work? When that happens, can you stop for a moment and try to prioritize. Look at what is urgent and of utmost importance at that point in time. Then focus on that one thing. It will make a difference.

Which Is Better: Distraction or Devotion

Jesus is trying to point out to Martha that her value in life does not come from what she does. God does not give us marks according to our performance even though he has promised many crowns and rewards to his faithful followers.

Jesus is present in her house. He was welcomed as the guest. Yet Martha is now very busy, distracted with preparations, her many tasks, and much serving.

She failed to value his presence. She failed to value his words---his words which Peter once described as words of eternal life (John 6:68). More than that she feels herself to be a victim of the situation when she could have had the joy of having the companionship of the Son of God in her home.

Martha is someone with great faith as her extraordinary declaration of who Jesus is shows (John 11:27) while at another time she conversed with Jesus by the grave of her brother Lazarus. But on this occasion, she is making her kitchen the greater priority.

Always put people first and tasks below them in your priority list whether at home or the office. You will be blessed and you will be a blessing in doing so.

God Is Valuing Your Companionship Not Your Busyness

We live in a fast paced world. We are busy all the time. We are dominated by the chores of life and its dull routines. Unless you make a deliberate effort to sit at Jesus' feet, you will miss him altogether even when he is present with you.

Jesus in his response to Martha tells her that the better choice is devotion. Spending quiet and quality time with him is more important than attempting to do something for him.

So many of us are trying to do things for him. He doesn't find fault with that. But he is asking us not to lose focus. Not to miss the better thing.

Life's moments might not repeat themselves. So when you are with someone who loves you and cares for you, give him or her the fullest attention you can possibly give. That is the better thing than the good things you might be able to do for them.

Choose Devotion: Spending Time with Jesus

When was the last time you enjoyed the presence of God in your life? It is not something dramatic. It can happen in the kitchen in the ordinary routines of life. Just think on God. Thank him and praise him. Tell him you love him.

Will you not take a few moments to stop and talk with Jesus. In the words of Robert Frost,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Choosing to spend time with Jesus who bled and died for you on the cross is a choice very few make on a daily basis. That is a road that is less travelled by. But if you choose to go that way, the way of love, adoration, worship, and devotion; it will make all the difference.

Featured image: Photos by Monika and Elina Fairytale from Pixabay | Adobe

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Based on Luke 10:38 to 42


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