The great importance of environmental awareness in science
The great importance of environmental awareness in science
How is environmental awareness understood in the scientific field? We review the most important keys and what is their undoubted level of importance.
Environmental awareness from the scientific point of view
Environmental awareness is one of the most repeated and commented concepts in all kinds of sectors. In this article, we approach the concept of environmental awareness from a more technical point of view: the scientific one.
What is environmental awareness?
This is a philosophy or attitude towards the problems generated by industrial and human activity that ends up affecting the environment. Being aware is synonymous with worrying about the conservation of nature and, above all, its improvement. Thus, the human being faces living in an increasingly less friendly environment, which ends up altering his health and the future of the planet.
How is science related to the environment?
It is the scientific community that has the power to verify the real damage caused by pollution in nature. Over the years, detailed analyzes have been carried out that confirm how man has progressively altered the natural evolution of his environment.
Not in vain, at a meeting of more than 180 scientists from around the world held in 2017, it was confirmed that climate change was going to generate consequences such as the scarcity of drinking water, deforestation and even the extinction of some species. It was then that it was concluded that it would be necessary:
Create terrestrial and marine reserves for fauna and flora.
Bet now on ideal materials to achieve a sustainable and better adapted construction.
Use renewable energies constantly and not only for some specific or temporary aspects.
Rnew the legislation of each country to commit to sustainability in a staggered and rational manner.
Consider sustainable green building as a real and feasible alternative. Its implementation is becoming widespread, which helps to achieve the planned objectives more easily.
Environmental education as a complement
Obviously, what science confirms must be put into practice in some way. The most recommended option is to promote environmental education to achieve the following objectives:
ecological knowledge. The important thing is that future generations know what the attitude and value of sustainability is.
Develop this education throughout the training of students.
Bear in mind that environmental awareness is not an individual attitude, but a joint way of thinking that must affect all areas across the board.
The industry sector seems to have reacted positively to the threats highlighted by the scientific community in their reports. From an SME to a multinational, they all include various plans in their budgets and actions to curb the consequences for the environment of their commercial or industrial activity.
In addition, the different governments and various private entities have made an effort to create certificates that demonstrate the growing concern about this aspect. Thus, throughout this year it will be confirmed whether the executed plans are offering the expected results.
In this sense, everything related to construction seems to have achieved its objective of reducing energy consumption and, also, the level of pollution that is generated when erecting any building. The improvement of the thermal sealing, the natural orientation of the buildings and the use of more resistant materials are aspects that contribute to achieving a more efficient result and to protecting the future of its natural environment.