Great games for team engagement
PG Geldenhuys
Founder, Investor & Coach fostering A-player capability through Growth Mindset. EO Member & Accelerator Scaling Up Trainer
The last few months have been tough - but there have been some total nuggets to glean from this time, not least the opportunity to learn about and implement all kinds of cool new tricks and trials around engaging the room -whether in person or virtual.
Here are three that I thought were brilliant:
The "Have you ever" game. This is where you have a Zoom training with 20+ people that don't really know each other that well -then you start of with some softballs:
Turn off your video. Now, turn it on if:
-You are the oldest sibling
-You have a tattoo
-You ever changed a nappy
Once you have circled through some easy ones, go deeper - turn on your screen if:
-Have you ever wanted to strangle a close family member?
-Have you ever been arrested?
-Have you ever been stabbed in the back by someone you trusted?
This works with teams who know each other a little bit. Starting with person X, describe the person to your right in terms of a drink. If they were a drink, what would they be and why? This is a great game.
Variation of this, if you as the trainer knows no-one, and they all know each other: Ask them to intro a person to you - he/she doesn't speak, but everyone else has to say something about them. Great for team building, validation and giving you context.
Meditation to kick things off is always a winner, and don't make it too long. Its also not for everyone - but if you can bring a piece of chocolate into the mix, you have a winner. Did this to great effect for a virtual wine and chocolate mixer recently.
Check out the flow of this process here!