The Great Gamble
Is gambling been legalized in India from back door by the means of fantasy games?
Fantasy sports games have gained popularity in India in recent years. As said these games typically involve participants creating virtual teams of real players and competing based on the statistical performance of those players in actual matches.
So they say it's not game of chance is it really. The rise of fantasy games in India has indeed attracted a significant number of young people, and there are concerns about potential negative consequences, including addiction and financial losses and interesting part is these apps inform the same to the users.
Aggressive marketing and promotional campaigns by fantasy sports platforms, often targeting young audiences through social media, celebrity endorsements, and sponsorships, is contributing to increased participation among youngsters.
Let's start addressing these concerns and protect young people from the potential harms associated with fantasy games, it's crucial to raise awareness about responsible gaming practices, educate individuals about the risks of gambling, and implement appropriate regulations and safeguards to ensure consumer protection. Additionally, parents, educators, and policymakers play a vital role in promoting digital literacy, fostering critical thinking skills, and providing support for young people to make informed decisions about their online activities. Let's start before it's too late.