Great Expectations
We will never know what we are capable of until we walk into unknown territory, conquer our anxiety and attempt something we haven’t tried before. Many of us sell ourselves short. Carl Jung said that we “walk in shoes far too small for us.” Limited expectations produce limited results. Great expectations produce great results. Our expectations often come true. Trust that you can handle, with poise, any challenge that life presents. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. View life’s obstacles as challenges that will help you develop greater resiliency and strength. Win or lose, you will be stronger and wiser facing your next challenge. Life is preparing you for success.
Stop trying to transform the the world. Transform yourself. Choose thoughts that make you feel your best. Begin to create your own reality (and leave everybody else’s reality alone). Change your world by changing your thoughts. New thoughts will make a new you. If your dominant intention is to revise and improve your story, your life will begin to change. Outer matches inner. Our thoughts shape our actions and our actions shape our life.