The Great Digital Journey, is really that!

The Great Digital Journey, is really that!

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As a Creative Director and Artist who's worked both in Art and Design and Banking for quite a while I have a passion for " Great Design in Business" and I mean " Great"!

The Great Digital Journey, is really that!

There was a time that when you wanted a new coat, pair of jeans, shoes, you walked in to your favourite store to purchase these, and we enjoyed that experience, what happened!!!?

There are always key words that pinpoint where things are going wrong, or indeed, just absent, here its" Experience". We, as I said, used to buy these items by visiting a real shop, but now with mobile applications we can purchase these items while enjoying a Kaffee and Danish, but what is absent is not the ability to purchase but to Enjoy that purchase!!! SAD

Any journey that is " undertaken" no matter how basic, how illustrious or magical is a mixture of " Spontaneity, Creativity, and Chance, all of these ingredients make for a " Great Ride"! Now, all of us are individuals, all of us are quite unique and that " one ride", is never going to fit all, that's nature! There's something " fantastic" with us humans, we love to be unique, every journey is very different and how we react to them, journeys through life, to a large degree, determine who we are.?We buy to serve a " hunger", a "want" both of these in fashion are for us to " improve", or " enhance" who we already are, or who we want to be!!!, it's all about " impressing the world".

The " Journey" of Interaction

Any journey that a company takes these days within the Digital market has to be about one key word " Engagement" isn't engagement that key word that is all about me parting with my hard-earned money to buy your great product, the equation could not be any simpler! Entertainment as I've always said has to be the key and pivotal part of any Digital journey for the customer it has to make them want to buy online from you, and once on your company site, it has to keep them there. Why, indeed, aren't there any real entertaining sites out there, why on earth is Creatively not a pivotal part, answer, simple, down to who heading the Digital department.

Creativity is done by " Creative people, Artist, Creative Directors, they have spent years at a fine Art and Design Colleges and have been working in " The Discipline of Creativity" for a numerous amount of years, there are familiar and are disciplined with design concepts, abstract thinking and more importantly " Critical thinking, why then is it whenever I view whose heading a Digital department they are qualified in only IT. Now, I've worked in banking and liaised with IT for many years, your great at your job, but let's be honest, you're hardly the most creative cookie in the box, and here I really do mean " Creative"! IT people in Digital marketing really only love working in quiet, smooth ruining environments where you have "complete autonomy" from the rest of the corporate, that's my experience, maybe other are different. Its Creative Directors that should head up Digital marketing departments, Design and Marketing its in their blood!, not IT coding and methodologies!, these two qualities WILL NOT SELL YOUR GOODS!!!

Creativity, Defined!

I feel here I need to " Clarify here in no "Uncertain terms" what I define, as " Creativity" as there it seems to be as different as night and day to them and me!!!?We all have " bench marks" on things in life, a standard by what we feel is good, or bad. Well, I have a " bench mark of what " Creativity" is, I should do, I attended some of the best Art Colleges for long enough and worked in the Creative industry. So, lets begin with my concept of creativity!

If you have ever had the pleasure to visit an Art College where Design is taught through Graphic Communication you will be utterly amazed and captivated by the firstly the students, the and lecturers and the very creative environment. Now, these great Art and Design Colleges are a breeding ground of creativity, yes, they use modern technology but, here, they, the students, engagement with technology is very different from that within banking or indeed other industries I can think of. The design studios walls are covered with paper and design concepts, you can " taste the creativity in the air" it hits you, blows you over! sadly again, not like that within banking! These students are highly trained by professional lecturers who themselves, have worked within the creative industry, they teach how to become master of "Communication and Entertainment" those two very important and pivotal words! So, this is my beach mark of what " The word and meaning of Creativity is" and more importantly" should be!


If all of what I have writing about the importance of Creativity, real Creativity within the Digital Marketing departments has gone though one ear and out the other, your business will fail! If, on the other hand, you have stopped to take heed then you have a fighting chance against that of your competitor, who just might listen to me!, hence they will win the game!!!

Having the right Creative People in the right place will divide winners from losers, if you, the CEO, or the board members walk into your " Digital Marketing department"! and are not "Blown away from the atmosphere of madness with creativity", then the chances are your competitor will win, why, simple, they have most likely visited one of those great Art and Design Colleges and took on, and more importantly placed them in power of your Digital Marketing department, they understood what real creativity means in the marketing place, or, they might have read my article! If you want your goods sold, and sold so that " Customer" comes back time after time, you had bloody well start to take on board " The Very New Definition of Creativity"!!!


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