I struggle with depression. Let me rephrase that. I struggle with the whole concept of depression. I am not denying that people are depressed and get depressed. I am talking mainly about the depression industry. I am not sure that I agree with the ‘medical model’ of mental illness. The ‘medical model’ favors medicine and CBT...that’s Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Other than that you are pretty much on your own. It is strange to think that depression is the leading disability globally. We have never had it so good and we have never been so pissed off. The link between suicide and depression has been clearly made. Around the world 2 people take their own life every 2 minutes. The rise of depression in young people has become ridiculous. And yet, we know very little about depression. Why don’t we know? I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but could depression be the new ‘opium of the people’. Could it be that the pharmaceutical companies gamble with people’s mental health just so they can make money? And could it be that it suits governments from all around the world to have spaced out and stupefied people to deal with. Just saying…

It is a common belief that depression is due to chemical imbalances in the brain. That may be the case for some people, but it cannot be the case for all the 300 million people with depression all over the world. If depression was about chemical imbalance then apply the corrective chemicals and…tada…problem solved. But, the numbers are going up…not down. Maybe it’s about semantics and it depends on how you define ‘problem solved’ Are we talking about ‘cure or ‘contain’. If you are talking about cure then drugs don’t work. Research shows that only 50% of people respond favourable to anti depressant drugs. If on the other hand you are talking about numbing the symptoms to the point where the person can’t feel anything about anything…then drugs are the answer. What’s more if you can get people addicted to drugs then everybody wins. Well, nearly everybody…the pharmaceutical companies make money….the governments make money…the medics make money. And as for the individual…oh well, never mind.

More posts to come about #depression. Message me if you wish to arrange a private session to talk over your depression

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