Great Demo! & Doing Discovery Updates – Question, Tip, Students and Interns, Public Workshop, More
Peter Cohan
Working to Improve the World One Demo and One Discovery Conversation at a Time!
Hi All,
Here are the latest Great Demo! updates for you, along with links to our latest articles, Overcoming Sales Objections – Why Many Sales Objections Shouldn't Need to Be Overcome and Great Demo! Virtual Demos Best Practices.
In addition, here are two articles you may have missed from January:
Great Demo! and Doing Discovery Pearls and Epiphanies
“Doing discovery and delivering demos are performance conversations!”
New Items
Question: What Props or Visual Aids Have You Used in Your Demos?
Here is a terrific visual aid story that I saw in a face-to-face demo meeting: The vendor rep was discussing how their solution eliminated silos and enabled improved consumption of a prospect’s internal data. The rep took two full water bottles, held them up and said, “So, I understand your organization has its data sitting in silos, like these water bottles…” He banged the bottles together, pointing out that “You can’t bring this data together.” Bang, bang went the water bottles.
He then opened each bottle and placed a cup in front of him on the table. He said, “What we propose is to enable you to combine data in ways you’ve never been able to do before…” as he poured water from both water bottles into the cup. He then picked up the cup and continued, “…and enable you to consume your data in ways you’ve never been able to do before!” and he took a sip of the combined mix from the cup. He finished with a satisfied “Ah, refreshing!”
What props or visual aids have you used or seen used in demos that really resonated?
Tip: “Competitive Deals are Won Early, Not Late”
Very interesting conclusions from a study done by Gong a few years ago:
“Competitive Deals are Won Early, Not Late”
“Competitive deals are won with discovery techniques, not closing techniques.”
In my experience with enterprise offerings, the vendor that is perceived as doing a superior job with discovery is in a competitively advantageous position. It is good to see that the data supports this!
If you also want to enjoy this competitive advantage, check out Doing Discovery.
The article also validates and reinforces turning your demo into a conversation, as well!
Careerist, CourseCareers and Other Tech Sales Students and Interns
Welcome! I’m delighted to see you pursuing a career in tech sales and would like to help you in your journey. Please take advantage of the resources we offer, including our website, the Great Demo! & Doing Discovery LinkedIn Group, and our Public Workshops.
New Great Demo! & Doing Discovery Website!
We are looking forward to your feedback and recommendations as you explore our new Great Demo! website! It provides information on our offerings, news and events, and includes extensive Resources pages with access to our Blog, Articles, Webinars, Podcasts, and Books. Please let us know how we can improve its usefulness for you!
Great Demo! & Doing Discovery LinkedIn Group
The Great Demo! & Doing Discovery LinkedIn Group now has nearly 8450 members: It’s an ongoing discussion of thoughts, tips, tools, techniques and best (and worst!) practices to increase your success rates doing discovery, software demonstrations, and related activities. Consider it an online users’ community for Great Demo! and Doing Discovery practitioners and learners.
Upcoming Great Demo! Public Workshops
Sharpen your saw for the Spring, and beyond! Public Workshops are perfect for individuals or small teams:
SKO and QBR Topic That SWIIIINGS the Needle?
Looking for something that not only “moves the needle” but swings it into a whole new category? It is time to uplevel the team’s discovery skills!
Reviews of dozens of recent discovery conversations revealed that vendor sales and presales teams are operating at Level 1 Level 2, or (rarely) Level 3 of the 7 Levels possible.
Make a real difference at your next gathering! Contact us to discuss.
Previous Update Items
Tip: The Three “Whys” and Discovery
In Chip and Dan Heath’s fabulous book?Made to Stick, they describe using the “Three Whys” to uncover the emotional core of an idea. They suggest asking “Why” three times for any important topic. With each answer, you get to a higher and more meaningful level: the emotional core.
For example:
A sales manager (as a prospect) says, “I need more, better leads for my team…”
“Why is this important?” you ask.
“Oh, we’re spending too much time working leads that are unqualified…” is the response.
“I see,” you say, “Tell me, why is that a problem?”
“The team isn’t progressing enough leads to next sales stages…” replies the sales manager.
“And why is that an issue for you?” you inquire.
The sales manager admits, “Because if we don’t convert enough leads, we won’t make our quarterly numbers!”
Ah ha! You’ve just uncovered the Critical Business Issue for the sales manager. Three Whys…!
[And why is it important to identify a prospect’s Critical Business Issue? Because the?absence?of a Critical Business Issue will lead to a No Decision outcome. You can learn more about these ideas in?Doing Discovery. Now ask yourself, “Why is?this?important…?”]
Tip: Demo Pitfalls #293 – “Remember when I showed you…?
When presenting a demo, if you say, “Remember when I showed you…?” It is unlikely that your prospect will remember! Why?
The National Training Center Average Learning Retention Rates study showed the following information retention rates for different modes of delivery:
Let’s go back to the question, “Remember when I showed you…?” There is a 70% probability that your audience won’t remember what you are referring to. This likely gets worse with demos delivered over the web, as well.
What portions of a demo or presentation are retained most strongly? What 30% will your audience remember? The primacy-recency effect (and serial positioning effect) tells us that the first few ideas will be remembered best, and the last item next best.
That’s one reason why Great Demo! methodology guides you to “Do the Last Thing First” and present the most compelling deliverable for your prospect right at the beginning of the demo, and to deliver a crisp summary of the key points at the very end.
But Wait There’s More!
You’ll find over 100 articles, 250 blog posts, 45 webinars and 18 podcasts on the Resources pages of our new website at
And, of course, you’ll find the definitive books on demos and discovery on Amazon (in paperback, Audiobook and Kindle formats) as well: Great Demo! and Doing Discovery.
Doing Discovery – Now Nearly 1900 Copies
Nearly 1900 copies of Doing Discovery have been purchased in the past few months, including over 250 Audiobooks, and I’m hearing very positive feedback from those who have put the ideas into practice. Reports include:
The advantage goes to those of you who adopt early – get your copy here!
Custom Seminars, Webinars, and Workshops
At your next SKO, QBR, or upcoming gathering, contemplate including a Great Demo! or Doing Discovery Seminar or Webinar to stimulate thinking and begin the process of change. To really master the skills, schedule a Great Demo! Workshop to train the team.?Seminars, Webinars and Workshops can be face-to-face or delivered virtually.?Topics include:
Contact us to discuss organizing a custom session for your team!
Copyright ? 2023 The Second Derivative – All Rights Reserved.
To learn the methods introduced above, consider enrolling in a Great Demo! Doing Discovery or Demonstration Skills Workshop. For more demo and discovery tips, best practices, tools and techniques, explore our blog and articles on the Resources pages of our website at and join the Great Demo! LinkedIn Group to share your experiences and learn from others.