Great Deception - Make America Great Again - Code For Neo- Jim Crow System
Kenneth Golden
Author / Researcher /Artificial Intelligence/Discovering Reciprocity Newsletter
((((((((((The Devil Has Oner 20 Names and So Does Jim Crow))))))))))
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Most of you reading this article have probably heard of the term Jim Crow but more than likely no school curriculum has ever introduced you to the deviant ugly side of it. In an effort to help you better understand the forces behind this movement please click on the following link before proceeding.
There is a rogue element of The Make Ameria Great Again anomaly who's goal is to re-enact and sanitize as many of the following Jim Crow laws as possible, by pushing them through Congress cloaked and undetected. CLICK HERE
((((((The Six Phase Plan))))))
The Make America Great Again Ideology didn't just materialize out of thin air. While the movement may not have had a particular name in the formative years, the concept was alive and well just waiting for the precipitating factors to bring everything together.
Like-minded groups of individuals have manifested their displeasure in different forms and through the organizing or different groups ever since the fall of the Jim Crow Era. To fill in the void, organizations such as the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Skin Heads, Alt-Right Organizations, and various other supremacy organizations have been looking for the ultimate system in which they all could unite and make America the way that it used to be under Jim Crow Laws.
To them, these were the "Good Old Days" and there is a strong desire to Make America Great Again, but with a slightly different twist than the cap-wearing followers' chase. Unfortunately, this mode of thinking is code for The New Ingenious Jim Crow system who's aspirations are Distract - Deney - Divide - Discourage - Destroy.
There was a plan which was set in motion clandestinely on November 4, 2008, by individuals who have recently compromised the highest office in the land. At the time, even though Donald Trump was not the president, he was laying the groundwork for future events, as if by inspiration from an unknown or familiar spirit.
The person that he recently pardoned; Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona spearheaded the actions to de-legitimize the election of President Barak Obama by going to Hawaii and performing a bogus investigation to de-legitimize the "American Birth Records" of the first Afro American President. Even though unsuccessful; A statement was made and a suggestion was planted into the minds of thousands of average thinking individuals.
((((((Phase One))))))
De-legitimize The Legacy of The Only US Black President At All Cost.
Actions of this time period were to discredit the US birth of the first Afro American President by spreading disinformation. Under their post-facto Make America Great Again agenda; If they could create reasonable doubt about the status of his birth, they would be on their way to sowing seeds of disinformation. During the eight years of Obama's tenure as president, they were like a shadow government in exile simply building up forces and supplies for any future openings that presented an opportunity.
Since it was impossible to remove the first Afro American President from office, a new strategy of undoing everything that he has done is in effect. To accomplish this, major restructuring of the Executive Branch was mandatory.
A deliberate plan to gut various agencies was acted upon, funding for various programs was eliminated, personnel openings weren't filled on purpose, plus many engagements to organizations involving longtime allies were reversed on purpose; also the State Department was decimated and downsized to ridiculous levels in an effort to reduce its power of influence worldwide.
The 16 Intelligence Agencies were discredited and seeds of doubt were interjected into any clandestine information that reflected poorly on the new administration. Micromanagement of the CIA, NSA, and to some degree, the FBI has been implemented, in an effort to gain power and suppress their independent autonomy. These actions are like what is happening in many Dictatorships with oppressive governments globally.
((((((Phase Two))))))
This Phase Was To Gain Access to The Executive Branch and Do A Transformation Which Included Rolling Back Obamas Efforts In The Economy, The Justice System, The Environment, Foreign Policy and Immigration, Education, Guns, Plus Other Random Areas.
Once Trump gained entrance to the Whitehouse, at his acceptance speech, he gave an indication as to the direction he was going to go. Right off the bat, the suppression of different nationalities was enacted via executive orders but ran into the stiff opposition from the court system.
However, this problem was noted and a radical campaign to replace Justices, Regional US Lawyers, and staff from the previous administrations was put in place. Specific orders were enacted to repeal any viable legislation that the first Afro American President enacted.
This was to be accomplished via executive orders or by unethical blindsided congressional laws hurriedly rushed through Congress by Making America Great Again Team Members. Rushing bills and laws through Congress has become the norm in an effort to keep the other political party in the dark about what is being enacted and in order to not be revealed until they are made laws on the down low.
The Economy <> The Justice System <> The Environment <> Foreign Policy and Immigration <>Education <> Guns <> Plus Other Random Areas
President Trump has repeatedly argued that he’s done more than any other recent president. That’s not true, as measured by the amount of legislation he’s been able to sign. It is true, though, that Trump has undone a lot of things that were put into place by his predecessors.
Since Jan. 20, Trump’s administration has enthusiastically and systematically undone or uprooted rules, policies, and tools that predated his time in office. Below, a list of those changes, roughly organized by subject area.
((((((The Economy))))))
1. Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The trade deal would have established a trade partnership between the United States and countries on the Pacific Rim.
2. Revoked a rule that expanded the number of people who could earn overtime pay.
3. Reversal of a rule that would mandate that oil and gas companies report payments to foreign governments. The Securities and Exchange Commission will no longer receive this information.
4. Stopped a rule that would require large companies to report worker incomes by race and gender. The rule was aimed at reducing pay disparity.
5. Reversed an interpretation of the Civil Rights Act that provided protection to transgender workers.
6. Ended limits on the ability of states to drug test those seeking unemployment benefits.
7. Reversed a policy allowing states to develop their own work requirements for welfare recipients.
8. Revoked an executive order that mandated compliance by contractors with laws protecting women in the workplace. Before the 2014 order, a report found that companies with federal contracts worth millions of dollars had scores of violations of labor and civil rights laws.
9. Repeal of a rule allowing states to create retirement savings plans for private-sector workers.
10. Canceled a rule mandating that financial advisers act in the best interests of their clients.
11. Ended a rule that allowed consumers to file class-action suits against financial companies.
12. Blocked implementation of a rule that would have made it easier for farmers to sue big agricultural companies.
13. Repeal of a bill that mandated that employers maintain records of workplace injuries.
14. Removed information about worker injuries from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration website.
15. Killed a rule mandating that government contractors disclose past violations of labor law.
((((((The Justice System))))))
1. Rescinded a President Obama effort to reduce mandatory sentences. Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered that prosecutors seek the most stringent penalties possible in criminal cases.
2. Canceled a phaseout of the use of private prisons.
3. Reversed restrictions on providing surplus military gear to police departments. Those restrictions were implemented by the Obama administration after the unrest in Ferguson, Mo.
4. Reversed a ban on civil forfeiture. Law enforcement officials are now once again able to seize assets from suspects who haven’t been convicted of any crime.
5. Reversed the government’s position on a voter ID law in Texas. Under the Obama administration, the Justice Department argued that the law had discriminatory intent. Under Sessions, Justice withdrew that complaint. Later on, a federal court threw out the law.
6. Reviewed Justice Department efforts to address problematic police departments. An effort to address concerns in the Baltimore Police Department was delayed.
7. Requested a review of the convictions of Blackwater guard for killings of unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2007. At the time, Blackwater’s CEO was Erik Prince, brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
((((((The Environment)))))
1. Withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.
2. Blocked the Clean Power Plan. The plan implemented under Obama focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. In October, The news outlets reported that the administration would seek to repeal it entirely.
3. Ended a study on the health effects of mountaintop-removal mining. The process involves blasting away the tops of hills and mountains to get at coal seams under the surface.
4. Rescinded a rule mandating that rising sea levels be considered when building public infrastructure in flood-prone areas.
5. Reversed an Obama ban on drilling for oil in the Arctic.
6. Reviewed the status of national monuments for possible reversal or reduction. In April, Trump signed an executive order ordering a review of monuments added in the past 20 years, opening up the possibility that some areas previously set aside would have that status revoked. In August, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke made formal recommendations to the president.
7. Withdrew a rule regulating fracking on public land.
8. Announced plans to reconsider controversial protections for the sage grouse in western states. The bird’s habitat has been reduced as sagebrush has been removed in places that are being developed, often for oil and grass drilling. While not officially endangered, conservation groups worry about the sage grouse’s fate.
9. Postponed an EPA rule that would have had chemical plants better evaluate and inform the public about possible safety issues. This decision, made in June, drew new attention after Hurricane Harvey flooding led to an explosion at a facility near Houston.
10. Rejected a proposed ban on the pesticide chlorpyrifos. The month after this decision, a group of farmworkers was sickened by exposure to the chemical.
11. Reversed a ban on plastic bottles at national parks.
12. Repealed a ban on lead bullets. The bullets were banned under Obama because the lead can poison wildlife.
13. Rescinded a limit on the number of sea animals that can be trapped or killed in fishing nets.
14. Delayed and potentially rolled back automotive fuel efficiency standards.
15. Began repeal of a rule that would weaken emissions standards for some truck components.
16. Repealed the Waters of the United States rule. This rule expanded the definition of water bodies that were protected by the Environmental Protection Agency.
17. Ended a rule banning dumping waste from mining into streams.
18. Reversed a rule banning hunting bears and wolves. The ban applied to federal refuges in Alaska and prohibited hunting predators using certain methods.
19. Repealed a rule that would have overhauled the federal land management process.
20. Removed a bike-sharing station at the White House.
((((((Foreign Policy and Immigration))))))
1. Intends to decertify the landmark agreement with Iran aimed at limiting that nation’s ability to develop nuclear weapons. Such a declaration would force Congress to decide whether sanctions should again be imposed on Iran.
2. Plans to phase out a policy under which people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally as children could work legally and avoid deportation. The program, begun under Obama, is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA.
3. Cut the number of migrants and refugees allowed from seven predominantly Muslim countries.
4. Ended a State Department office that oversaw international sanctions. The administration has not met an Oct. 1 deadline to implement new sanctions on Russia.
5. Repealed a rule allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military.
6. Stopped funding some UN relief efforts. Instead, the administration will back efforts by private organizations and faith-based groups.
7. Rolled back of Obama’s outreach to the Cuban government.
8. Ended the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program. DAPA extended protections for some immigrant parents whose children were citizens of our residents in the United States.
1. Reversed a policy instituted by the Obama administration to expand punishments for campus sexual assaults.
2. Repealed 72 documents defining the rights of students with disabilities. The administration argues that this won’t affect how those students are educated.
3. Rolled back school lunch standards championed by Michelle Obama.
4. Withdrew federal protections for transgender students in schools. Under the rule approved by Obama, transgender students could use school bathrooms that corresponded to their gender identities.
5. Canceled a partnership with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at policing student loan fraud.
6. Reversed a rule that mandated how achievement is measured in schools.
7. Repealed a rule mandating certain requirements for teacher-preparation programs.
1. Reversed a rule that would ban gun sales to those deemed “mentally defective” by the government.
2. Reconsidered a ban on carrying firearms on Army Corps of Engineers land.
3. Narrowed the definition of “fugitive” to reduce the number of people allowed to own guns.
((((((Other Areas))))))
1. Halted or canceled hundreds of other minor regulatory actions.
2. Ended payments to insurers meant to expand health-care coverage for low-income Americans.
3. Revoked a ban on denying funding for Planned Parenthood at the state level.
4. Determined that claims of violations of religious freedom would trump protections for gay and transgender people. This is the cake-for-a-gay-wedding issue; the Trump Justice Department takes the position that the religious beliefs of a business owner can take precedence over the civil rights of employees or customers.
5. Began the process of undoing the Johnson Amendment. The law bars religious institutions from taking positions on political candidates.
6. Repealed a rule mandating that Internet service providers seek permission before selling personal information.
7. Reversed a policy aimed at reducing mortgage insurance premiums for new FHA loans.
8. Cut outreach aimed at bolstering enrollment in Obamacare.
((((((Phase Three))))))
This Was A Time To Remold The Government Branches Into The Desired Image of The New Organization.
It would be imperative to bring like-minded personnel into the administration who would be a part of The Make America Great Again Team. Ironically when the administration first formed and was getting acclimated to everything, the anti-establishment organizer Steve Bannon made a grab for power to fast and wound up having to work from the outside, after being let go, instead of operating from the Whitehouse.
He tried to restructure the National Security Council eliminating the Secretary of State and key National Security Personnel who were vital to a smooth running government. This should not have been done period.
The remolding of agencies and various departments has taken on a life of its own with the listed 14 staff members leaving for one reason or another. Stephen K. Bannon - Chief strategist, Mike Dubke - Communications director, Michael T. Flynn, National security adviser, Sebastian Gorka - White House adviser, K. T. McFarland - Deputy national security adviser, Reince Priebus - Chief of staff, Anthony Scaramucci - Communications director, Sean Spicer - Press secretary & communications director, Katie Walsh - Deputy chief of staff, Ezra Cohen-Watnick - Senior director for intelligence, National Security Council, Tera Dahl - Deputy chief of staff, N.S.C., Derek Harvey - Middle East adviser, N.S.C., Rich Higgins - Director in the strategic planning office, N.S.C., and Michael C. Short - Senior assistant press secretary.
It's not clear if some of the individuals are leaving on their own or mabey they are being exposed to the Make America Great Again (Neo - Jim Crow Element) and having second thoughts.
((((((Phase Four))))))
Discredit Any Negative Reported News and Establish A Friendly News Outlet.
There is an effort to discredit any major news agency that reported any news item adversely affecting the new under the radar Alt-Right or Jim Crow Resurgent Agenda.
They made it a necessity to promote and mainly interact with news reporting networks who covertly support their cause. All other news outlets were to be labeled as The Opposition Party.
Currently, FOX News gives them favorable coverage along with Bright Bart. The Opposition Party includes CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and the newspapers are too many to number.
((((((Phase Five))))))
Demand Complete Loyalty From Staff and Influential Congress Allies.
Recently Trump had meetings with cabinet members and required them to go around the table one by one and pledge alliance and loyalty to him.
He publically demands complete loyalty from cabinet members, in order to build a climate of fear and paranoia. Cabinet members were picked and placed in positions not so much because of expertise but definitely for the potential to reciprocate loyalty upon request.
((((((Phase Six))))))
Eliminate Undesirable Populations Using All Means Possible
Extreme care is being utilized in an attempt to integrate any New Revised Jim Crow Laws into the system. However, they are to be weaponized just as before, but, the public would give a tremendous backlash if everything was out in the open.
In order to activate as many versions of Old Jim Crow Laws as possible, like-minded members of Congress would need to add them as riders under the radar attached to legitimate laws and bills, in order to avoid detection. In broad strokes, it’s simply how a Jim Crow Type bill becomes law in today's political climate.
But in detail, that process can be much more complex. One legislative provision, in particular, the appropriations policy rider, is little understood but enormously significant and utilized.
When appropriation bills sail through Congress, lawmakers often stow policy riders inside. This way, they can achieve policy victories that would have little chance of becoming law on their own.
“Lawmaking” or “limiting” in nature, riders can either create entirely new policy or dictate how the government spends existing funds to get things done without the general public being aware of it.
Also, immigration laws had to be altered and undesirable members of opposition populations need to be suppressed utilizing any means necessary, like building an unnecessary wall, deportation, lock up, and profiling.
Here again are Old Jim Crow Laws, some of which they desire to utilize in an effort To Make America Great Again. CLICK HERE
Even though the person Thomas Dartmouth Rice may be considered by many as the father of Jim Crow, the divisive elemental spirit of Jim Crow came into play long before his performance. Many individuals are naively sucked into believing that "Jim Crow Laws" were a product of the end of Reconstruction that manifested in 1877 and progresses through the 1950's and 1960's. In effect that statement is true but there is more to it than that.
For a movement of this sort, to materialize in the time period mentioned above, it previously existed but was known in a different form. As an example, let's use Satan who is called by many names and manifest in a multitude of different forms.
Actually, In the early 1830s, a white actor named Thomas Dartmouth “Daddy” Rice was propelled to stardom for performing minstrel routines as the fictional “Jim Crow”. This fictional caricature of a clumsy, dimwitted black slave was soon accepted and promoted by the status quo as the show's popularity spread; “Jim Crow” became a widely used derogatory term for blacks, even though the spirit of Jim Crow already existed under different names and programs.
Depending on the situational variation at hand, dictates the particular expression that will be utilized by The Deceiver. In effect, all of his behavior and actions are attributed to an Anti-Christ Spirit. Likewise, the concept of Jim Crow existed when the first oppression of slavery appeared in the nation. You can say that it is a Jim Crow Spirit but from concept through evolution up until today it has gone by different names and utilized different modes of application, depending on the time period.
Even though different names and cloaking devices are utilized, the concept still pushes to promote racial separation, suppression, stealing property, antisocial laws, legalized murder, and legalized confiscation of individuals rights.
Now fast forward to November 4, 2008, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois was elected president of the United States over Senator John McCain of Arizona. Obama became the 44th president, and the first African American to be elected to that office. He was subsequently elected to a second term over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
To the descendants of the Jim Crow movement, this implementation was totally unacceptable and a person and nonpolitician at that time named Donald Trump fabricated a lie about him not being a US-born citizen, in an effort for future delegitimization in the form of Distract - Deney- Divide - Discourage - Destroy tactics that were to become his signature platform many years later after he became president.
Currently, the mode being utilized on Pennsylvania Avenue involves Distract - Deney - Divide - Discourage - Destroy. Even though a former Senior Advisor who is Steve Bannon being no longer officially working for the administration; He is still unofficially spearheading the Make America Great Again insurgency which is actually The Rise of The New Jim Crow being backed and funded by the Mercer Family.
The dancing minstrel routines are simply diversions while those with ulterior motives pass laws to legally steal, kill, and destroy.This is a sanitized version of what is being formulated and implemented from Pennsylvania Ave. as you read.
The Jim Crow Spirit is the same as the Anti-Christ Spirit and was conceived from a dark soul who was determined to separate black and white people from even the slightest bit if contact other than a superior/subordinate relationship.
Actually many white individuals erroneously thought that black people were put on this earth to work for them. They thought blacks didn't deserve any respect. They thought of African-Americans as a property because they were considered to be inferior slaves, workers, and animals, as the Jim Crow Spirit mandated.
Keeping these facts in mind you can see how a clever amoral person could tap into suppressed emotions and thoughts of great-grandparents, current grandparents, and modern-day individuals who long for things to go back to the way they were before The Jim Crow Laws ended.
Keeping this in mind it is easy to see how individual minds can be controlled by someone with ulterior motives. Actually, it happened once before when Hitler came to power. Nazis admired the Jim Crow-era laws that discriminated against black Americans and segregated them from white Americans, and they debated whether to introduce similar segregation in Germany; which they did.
Currently, a fringe element of The Make America Great Again base show up at rallies and join in on marches as a show of solidarity for The Jim Crow Will Rise Again ideology.
This e-Book will give you an idea of what is attempting to infiltrate into our society, while at the same time highlighting exemplary examples of Afro American Citizens who have greatly contributed to helping to Make America A Viable and Inclusive Nation.
(((For A Complete List of Jim Crow Laws by Random States)))
I have listed 20 examples from various states below in an effort to give you an idea of what "Making America Great Again" means to them. Now, these states were from the south, west, north, and east; In other words, they were universal.
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The Jim Crow laws were finally abolished on 2 July 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson historically signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It invoked the commerce clause, outlawing discrimination in public accommodations. The Voting Rights Act followed in 1965; effectively giving black people the vote. Even though these actions took place the spirit of Jim Crow did not vanish; it simply took on different identities, the way that the Devil changes identities.
Jim Crow laws, which were state and local laws in the United States were enacted between 1876 and 1965. Jim Crow laws first existed mainly in the South and originated from the Black Codes that were enforced from 1865 to 1866 and from prewar segregation on railroad cars in northern cities. Below is an example of some of the laws randomly selected from different states.
1. It shall be unlawful to operate a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such white and colored persons are effectually separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entrance from the street is provided for each compartment."
2. Miscegenation [Statute] Marriages between whites with "Negroes, mulattoes, Indians, Mongolians" were declared illegal and void.
3. Miscegenation [State Code] Forbid marriages between persons of the Caucasian, Asian and Malay races.
4. One state statute provided that “no black, mulatto person, or Indian, shall be allowed to give evidence in favor of, or against a white man.” In 1854, the Supreme Court of California held that the statute precluded persons of Chinese descent from testifying for or against a white man.
“It can hardly be supposed that any Legislature would exclud[e] domestic negroes and Indians, . . . and turn loose upon the community the more degraded tribes of the same species," Education [Statute] African and Indian children must attend separate schools. A separate school would be established upon the written request of the parents of 10 children. "A less number may be provided for in separate schools in any other manner.
6. "It shall be unlawful for any amateur white baseball team to play baseball on any vacant lot or baseball diamond within two blocks of a playground devoted to the Negro race, and it shall be unlawful for any amateur colored baseball team to play baseball in any vacant lot or baseball diamond within two blocks of any playground devoted to the white race.
7. This law prohibited whites from marrying an African American who is more than 12% African American (meaning having a blood relation up to the third generation to an African American). A penalty for not following this law was a felony that was punishable by imprisonment in the state penitentiary up to five years.
8. Railroads were to provide separate coaches for white and colored passengers. Signs stating the race for each car must be posted. Penalty to do so was high; railway companies that failed could be fined from between $500 to $1,500. Any conductors who failed to enforce the law were to be fined from $50 to $100.
9. All streetcars must provide separate but equal accommodations to a passenger of any race. The failure to do so ended with such penalties as passengers or conductors could receive a fine of $25 or imprisonment up to 30 days. Any railway company that refused to follow could receive a fine of $100 or imprisonment between two and six months.
10. It was unlawful to maintain or operate any college, school, or institution where persons of the white and African American races are both allowed to attend. This law did not prohibit private schools or colleges from maintaining a segregated school in a different location for each race no less than 25 miles. The penalty for not following this law resulted in any violators receiving a $1,000 fine. The United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the statute in Berea College v. Kentucky.
11. It was unlawful for whites and blacks to purchase and consume alcohol on the same location. The penalty for this act was a misdemeanor punishable by a fine from $50 to $500 or an imprisonment in the parish prison or jail up to two years.
12. Building permits for building Negro houses in white communities, or any portion of a community inhabited principally by white people, and vice versa prohibited. Penalty: violators fined from $50 to $2,000, "and the municipality shall have the right to cause said building to be removed and destroyed."
13. Any marriage between a white person and an African American or racially mixed citizen was prohibited. Penalty to follow this law was a fine of $500 to $5,000. If the people continued to be interracially married the result would be imprisonment in prison from three to twelve months.
14. Interracial adoptions were banned.
15. Provided that all persons, firms, or corporations create separate bathroom facilities for members of the white and African American races employed by them or allowed to come into the business. In addition, separate rooms to eat in as well as separate eating and drinking utensils were required to be provided for members of the white and African American races. Not following this law gave to the offender a misdemeanor, a fine of $100 to $1,000, or 60 days to one year in prison.
16. All businesses were prohibited from permitting any dancing, social functions, entertainments, athletic training, games, sports or contests on their premises in which the participants are members of the white and African American races.
17. "Printed, typewritten or written matter urging or presenting for public acceptance or general information, arguments or suggestions in favor of social equality or of intermarriage between whites and Negroes, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fine not exceeding five hundred (500.00) dollars or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months or both.
18. "Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using them."
19. "The state librarian is directed to fit up and maintain a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals."
20. "It shall be unlawful for any parent, relative, or other white people in this State, having the control or custody of any white child, by right of guardianship, natural or acquired, or otherwise, to dispose of, give or surrender such white child permanently into the custody, control, maintenance, or support, of a negro."
This is the most in-depth e-book of this type ever published. I have compiled a total of "70 Chapters Complete With Detailed Videos" for each chapter about individuals that history books and educational classrooms have omitted from the learning grid.
You will learn about individuals of color and certain events that have been instrumental in America's development. This e-book contains more previously unknown information about this subject that has ever been published in a material of this type.
If you would truly like your children and yourself for that matter to know about the actual contributions of known and unknown individuals of color to the culture of America, you must obtain a copy.
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Below is the table of contents plus the seventy chapters complete with over 70 in-depth videos.
Table Of Contents
(Info: 1) e-Book Overview
(Info: 2) General Information
(Info: 3) Foreward
(Info: 4) Where Slavery Began
(Info: 5) The South's Monetary Emergency
(Info: 6) Slave Revolts
(Info: 7) The Kansas-Nebraska Act and Dred Scott Case
(Info: 8) Liberation and The Aftermath
Chapter 1: Charles Langston - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 2: John Mercer Langston - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 3: Jermain Loguen - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 4: Mary Meachum - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 5: Gabriel Prosser - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 6: Sojourner Truth - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 7: Harriet Tubman - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 8: Nat Turner - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 9: Denmark Vesey - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 10: David Walker - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 11: William Whipper - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 12: Henery Highland Garnet - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 13: David Ruggles - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 14: Dred Scott - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 15: Benjamin "Pap" Singleton - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 16: Dr. James Mccune Smith - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 17: Austin Steward - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 18: Maria W. Stewart - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 19: William Still - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 20: Barbara Hillary - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 21: Robert Smalls - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 22: Marcus Garvey - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 23: Stagecoach Mary - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 24: George Washington Carver - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 25: John Hanson - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 26: Gwendolyn Brooks - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 27: Harriet E. Wilson - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 28: Jarena Lee - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 29: William Wells Brown - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 30: Phillis Wheatley - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 31: Charles Drew - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 32: Rebecca Lee Crumple - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 33: Hattie McDaniel - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 34: Oscar Micheaux - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 35: Fritz Pollard - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 36: George Poage - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 37: Moses Fleetwood Walker - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 38: Major Taylor - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 39: John Matthew Shippen - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 40: Jack Johnson - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 41: Robert S. Abbott - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 42: Bessie Coleman - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 43: Frederick Patterson - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 44: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 45: Enslavement to Emancipation - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 46: Robert Purvis - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 47: Legacy of Slavery in America - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 48: Untold Black History: Myths - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 49: Afro-American Land Transfer - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 50: Unknown Facts: Black History - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 51: Origins of Lynching In The US - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 52: Racism in America - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 53: Southern Life During the 1960's - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 54: Race Relations in America - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 55: York of Lewis and Clark - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 56: Whitney Plantation A Story - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 57: Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Original) - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 58: Buffalo Soldiers - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 59: Black Achievement In America - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 60: Black History Black Dispatches - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 61: Darkness at Churchill Downs - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 62: Black History In Pictures - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 63: A House Divided - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 64: Civil Rights In The US - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 65: Biddy Mason - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 66: Charlie Brown - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 67: Rosa Parks - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 68: Bass Reeves - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 69: Thurgood Marshall - With Comprehensive Quality Video
Chapter 70: W. E. B. Du Bois - With Comprehensive Quality Video