Great Day in Public Speaking Class
Wednesday, November 20th was the day for presentations in Mr. Holley's Public Speaking class. This is an 8 week course at Ivy Tech College on their Gary, Indiana campus. The assignment was to give a 4-7 minute Demonstration Speech where you dress for the occasion and apply techniques taught during the first half of the course. Everyone came ready to impress and to support one another. The speeches showcased the personalities of this diverse group with demonstrations on: how to do yoga, the proper way to lift weights, how to make slime, the best way to wrap gifts, how to paint a sky on canvas, how to make guacamole and much more.
Students gave each other excellent feedback and recognized their growth after four weeks of teaching by the instructor, Jhames Holley. No one was concerned with leaving at the end, though the class went 15 minutes longer to go over their next assignment. The speech that surprised many was the one on how to clean your sneakers. It was like a best kept secret was finally shared. If this first half of the course is any indication, great things are ahead for this Public Speaking class.