Great CVs: Avoid Errors That 95% Of Experts Won’t Tolerate

I don’t agree with the first point from Forbes, what do you think?


According to recent survey conducted by ResumeLab, there are a series of missteps and mistakes that could be holding you back on your resumé. Data collected from 100 Certified Professional Resumé Writers (CPRW), here are the biggest no-no’s that you can make:

  • An unprofessional email address: if you’re still “[email protected]”, what does that say about your professionalism? Your online profile is the new dress for success. Not having a sensible email is a problem for the CPRW experts in the survey, and for prospective employers as well. In a tight job market, companies are looking for disqualifiers, and a goofy handle is a real red flag. Don’t stop your story before it starts, with an address that betrays your intentions and skills.
  • Failing to include keywords: If you can’t be found, how will people ever know what contribution you can make? Do a keyword search for industry-specific words and phrases, either on google or (even better) on LinkedIn. For example, instead of looking for “product manager” in jobs, why not select “people” instead? You’ll see who shows up at the top, for the search terms you’ve chosen. Find out who’s ranking and identify what keywords are making their CV stand out online. It’s smart to learn from the best, and observe how others are creating distinction online. What keywords are a fit for your background and experience? What words would reinforce your career goals, and help you to be found online?
  • Don’t Overstuff With Fluff: Be careful! Overstuffing your resume with keywords is something that 86% of the experts said is a huge mistake. Too many keywords makes your resume look fake, or overinflated. Strike the right balance between content and filler. Curious to know how to do that? Write like you speak. Learn to craft a narrative that’s intriguing without being over-detailed or bloated with keywords. Maybe hiring a coach or resume writing professional is what you need to consider. Look for someone who understands SEO and you’ll be making a wise decision.
  • 95% of experts say “Don’t Do This”: Don’t omit your LinkedIn profile. For my coaching clients, especially those at the executive and c-suite level, they only get two addresses: email and LinkedIn. A physical address doesn’t even matter, especially with the amount of remote work going on right now. Your personal brand is who you are. Recruiters and employers expect to see a clear brand message on LinkedIn. You’ve got to include that URL on your resumé, or you’re finished before you’ve begun.
  • Leave Out Your GPA: but only if you’ve got more than five years of experience, according to 90% of the respondents. One difference: If you were summa cum laude or received academic honors, that can still be a relevant point to share, perhaps, regardless of how long ago you graduated. But as college gets further and further behind you, that GPA matters less and less.

Developing a powerful personal brand is the first step in heading back into the workforce. According to PWC, remote work is here to stay. A June survey says that at least 77% of workers expect to be working from home during COVID-19. That stat points towards the importance of crafting a clear and cohesive resume (and LinkedIn profile) that reflects your skills, talents and leadership. The objective of personal branding (from your email address to your online brand) is to generate a conversation. The idea is to use your personal brand message to create a “Tell me more...” What’s the first question you’d love to be asked, by a prospective employer or recruiter? Make sure it’s not, “Hey, is this your real email address?” or “Can you send me the URL to your LinkedIn profile?


