Great Conversations at Sydney Expos
My Buddy Gard
We are an Australian owned, custom tracking platform for personal fall alerts, SOS, and GPS wearables & nearables.
We’ve just returned from a busy week in Sydney attending back-to-back expos!
Both events were fantastic, and we met some incredible people!
The discussions varied depending on whether we were speaking to a person who wanted to purchase, someone interested in recommending to their participant or a company looking at stocking the product for their customers.
BUT… the challenges they are all trying to solve are the same:
To provide the watch (or pendant) wearer some safe independence and the family (and support network) peace of mind.
We loved chatting about the different features and how they benefit a family and improve the quality of their lives.
For example, the SOS feature can be used if the watch (or pendant) wearer is lost, confused, worried, feeling sick or uncomfortable. This may be a teenager or child navigating a walk to school or catching a bus and they have a panic attack. Or it might be your elderly parent who gets disoriented on their way back from the shops to buy the daily paper and suddenly can’t remember which way to turn.
Instantly the watch (or pendant) wearer can push the button and speak to their loved one for reassurance or direction. By opening the app and hitting ‘locate’ you can instantly see where they are and decide if you can direct them via the SOS call or jump in the car and go and get them.
We’ve heard from numerous customers who have told us this is one of their favourite features. And we get why. It can instantly change the outcome of a potentially precarious situation.
I could go on about all of our features and how they help in specific scenarios, but I will leave that to another day.
Please reach out if you have any questions about how our personal GPS range might help your loved one.
If you are already a customer of ours, (thank you btw) please remember to join our rewards program where you can turn points into $$$ or free monitoring!
And if you are already an OT/Health Practitioner that refers your participants to us, why not accumulate points to gift a deserving family one of our GPS Buddy Trackers and completely transform their lives.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!
Till next time,
Angie from My Buddy Gard
Great to have you involved - thanks!