One Thing All Great Coaches have in Common!
Coach Jay - Resilience and Results Coach
Resilience & Results Coach | Empowering Executives, Teams, and Entrepreneurs to Thrive Under Pressure, Achieve Breakthrough Success, and Sustain Growth
First, and foremost I am a coach. I just happen to coach in the business world now, not on the athletic field, diamond, court, course, etc. I coach business people. Like me, you probably see what seems like a ton or more of people calling themselves a "coach". However, based on some of the headlines like you, I have my share of skepticism.
Before we move along any further let me ask you a critical question. Have you ever had a coach outside of business? If so, when and where was it? Who were they? Did they make an impact on you? I know there are some coaches that impacted me along the way, I can remember their names, how they impacted me, and the lessons that I learned, and now I try to teach to those same lessons to others. As you think back on those great coaches, did you notice they all had one thing in common... They wanted to make YOU better. They were focused on YOU. They were focused on improving your skills, knowledge, abilities, understanding, showing you a better way. Sadly, that is not the coaching that is being exhibited by the vast majority of business coaches today.
If you are on LinkedIn for any period of time and you look at those people who refer to themselves coaches what do they focus on? Well most of them focus on "how much money they can help you make". Sounds appealing doesn't it? "I can get you to six figures, seven figures, and more!". Who doesn't want that? But wait. Stop for just a second. Let's go back to our coaches who really impacted our lives. What did they focus on? Every great coach I ever had focused on one thing and one thing only, and that was, what did I specifically need to do to get better at what I was doing. In another words, great coaches never focus on the by product, they focus on giving you the right tools to be as successful as possible in what you are doing right now. And by the way business coaching is no different than any sport coaching. Your coach should be less concerned with how much money they can make you, and more concerned about how much better they can make you at what you are doing right now both personally and professionally. Do not think for a moment that your personal life does not affect your professional life, it does, and it shows up in the most awkward ways in your career.
Here is what I know for certain. Whether you are an amateur or a professional great coaches focus on making you better at what your are doing in your current position, They focus on putting you in a position so YOU can have the greatest success. Does that always mean money? Of course not! Because success should never be defined by the money you bring in and the amount in your bank account.
Why do I say that so confidently? Let me ask you this? How much is your peace of mind worth? I mean really being able to let it all go and not have to think about work? What is your price tag on "peace of mind"? How much would you pay to have less stress in your job or your life? What is the dollar amount you would pay for that?
How much value is their in a balanced life? A thousand dollars? Ten thousand? A Million? More? Less? What would you pay to be able to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter and still have your career completely intact? What price do you put on those relationships? Better yet give me the ROI dollar amount for those relationships?
How much is your physical health worth to you? How about your mental and emotional health? Give me a dollar amount.
I can keep going, but here is what I know... the most successful people you and I know, may not have the most money, but they have a peace of mind, less stress, live a balanced life, can be all they need to be in their personal life and professional life, and take care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Notice the bank account and the paycheck has nothing to do with any of those things that one can define as truly successful.
So I need to ask you this question. Is your coach really focused on what you really need in terms of success? Or are the focused on the by product of your success? Sure, you can have money too, and still be all those more important things, it all depends on what the coach is focusing on. Make sure your coach is focused on you and what you really need, not want, and is improving your skills, knowledge, and abilities and putting you in the best position possible. If they are doing that, then you do have the right coach who will help you be the most successful you.
Be Inspired!
Jay Izso, is an author, speaker, and business coach. He has an award winning author, highly sought after speaker, and inspirational and motivational coach to business people. For more information please go to