The Great Cancellation

The Great Cancellation

The Great Cancellation - Stalkerzone – May 20, 2022 - About the systemic weapons of the collective West. Two weeks after the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the New York Times published a column written by veteran American journalist Thomas Friedman ( It was called “The Cancellation of Mother Russia Is Underway”. The article discussed three types of innovative weapons, with which the West is not just going to bring Russia to its knees, but is going to “cancel it”, erase it from the map and from the memory of this and future generations. The main quality of each of these three types of weapons is consistency. Russia can be considered a large-scale self-organising and even global system, which is a matryoshka doll from other systems. It is no less ambitious than another grandiose system, which is China, and both of these systems are comparable to the actual world system, the “system of systems”, civilisational and national.

The “cancellation of Russia” is a rehearsal for the “cancellation of China”, and there is not far from the “big cancellation”, the “cancellation of civilisation”.

It is impossible to “cancel” each of these systems with rhetoric and even with strong blows to the most sensitive places.

It’s possible to cancel a system only systemically – that is, not just by having the most up-to-date information collection and processing systems, but also by being able to use them, make non-obvious but effective decisions in the interests of building – or in this case, breaking, destroying, or eliminating – a system.

Here is what Thomas Friedman writes in his article:

“Because the world is now so wired, superempowered individuals, companies and social activist groups can pile on their own sanctions and boycotts, without any government orders, amplifying the isolation and economic strangulation of Russia beyond what nation-states are likely to do. These new actors — a kind of global ad hoc pro-Ukraine-resistance-solidarity-movement — are collectively canceling Putin and Russia.”

In Russia, Friedman’s article went almost unnoticed, while it openly declares the methodology of a new system of superweapons, designed not only and not even so much to “bring Russia to its knees”.

The article was about the most important, systemic things, about the new tools of the Leviathan (;; , which has already grown out of short trousers. With the help of these innovative weapons, the technology of “sawing” any state, person or structure out of the global system is being developed today.

System sawing technology.

The Leviathan, created by global financiers and the “Five Eyes” intelligence agencies at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, is trying to “cancel” not just a country that was once a second superpower. There is a painstaking, large-scale, and quite successful work on zeroing, on “canceling” a very important and still key part of the entire global system. They want to methodically erase its past and reset its future, and the highest skill of system management is that the zeroable part itself pays for the zeroing process.

This higher skill is provided by the fact that the organisation of management of both the zeroing system and the zeroable one, in fact, is already a part of Leviathan. Thus, it becomes possible to coordinate the actions of “zeroing” and “the zeroable”.

Thus, the “cancellation of Russia” is just a rehearsal for the upcoming “cancellation of China” and the subsequent series of “cancellations” of every system, every part of the system, whether it is a country, industry, firm, or individual that dares not fit in – or too sluggishly fit in – with the global agenda.

Let’s take a closer look at how “cancel” works in the system sense, since Thomas Friedman tells us very frankly about this.

From “Bear cancellation” to “Dragon cancellation”

Friedman makes it clear from the very beginning that the Americans are aiming for Russia, but they want to get to China. Here’s what he writes:

“To Chinese strategists caught up in old-think — that any war that weakens modern China’s two primary rivals, America and Russia, has to be a good thing — I would say the following: Every war brings with it innovations (new ways to fight, win and survive), and the war in Ukraine is no exception <…> The most important innovation in this war is the use of the economic equivalent of a nuclear bomb, simultaneously deployed by a superpower (the US – Ed.) and by superempowered people.”

By “superempowered people”, Friedman means people driven by swarm consciousness. People here become neurons of a large neural network, they work together to achieve a specific goal.

It should be understood that this is not a vague goal associated with ideology, it is a very specific goal to “rub out” a specific object, including a person, or to spread emotional infection as widely as possible.

Let’s note this point: “superempowered people” become elements of a system that will use them again and again.

So, the first systemic “innovation” of the war is the “economic nuclear bomb”, that is, the “cancellation of the economy”, the “cutting out” of Russia from the economic system of the world. Friedman writes:

“The United States, along with the European Union and Britain, has imposed sanctions on Russia that are crippling its economy, critically threatening companies and shattering the savings of millions of Russians at an unprecedented speed and scope that bring to mind a nuclear blast. Putin has now figured that out — and said so explicitly on Saturday: The U.S.- and E.U.-led sanctions are ‘akin to a declaration of war.’ (Vladimir, you haven’t felt the half of it yet.)”

The second “innovative weapon”, according to Friedman, is a swarm of people controlled by the Leviathan’s sanctions and having for the most part “superpowers”. Indeed, the Leviathan allows to instantly control the emotional responses of billions of people around the world, and these, in turn, can have extremely destructive economic effects.

“This is the globalisation of moral outrage,” according to Friedman, which dramatically reduces the path from incentive to action, and does so on a previously unthinkable scale.

The first stage is “watching a short video online showing Russian soldiers firing”. The second stage is when an employee of a company publishes this video on their Facebook page. The third stage is the formation of a group of employees who send an email to their superiors calling for a boycott of Russia.

Such calls, overshadowed by a swarm sanction, become mandatory – otherwise the company itself may face its own “cancellation”.

The main thing, Friedman writes, is “not to ask [their] C.E.O.s to do something but to tell them they have to do something or they will lose workers and customers.”

This is how swarm management functions, and it works.

“Russia and Russians are now being canceled from every direction — from ballerinas to soccer teams to companies to orchestras — and it is being driven increasingly by superempowered individuals and small groups,” writes Friedman enthusiastically, who is in a similar euphoria, perhaps for the first time since the Yom Kippur War. “And when the cancel juggernaut gets going globally, it acts without mercy.”

While nation-states may lift their sanctions “for hard-core realpolitik reasons”, non-state actors, especially decentralised ones, may not.

“When Anonymous, the global hacker consortium, announced that it was attempting to take down Russian websites, that was not by government order; it just acted on its own. Who does Russia call to get Anonymous to accept a cease-fire?”

Indeed, the old approaches, according to which any problem can be solved if you find a person who made this or that decision, ceases to work. Solutions come, in fact, from the digital Leviathan’s system.

Finally, the third weapon Friedman describes is “both new and old, and it’s a spiritual and emotional one: The West has rediscovered its voice.

This weapon may even seem sentimental and not very effective – well, in fact, from the fact that “the West sings with one voice” – but in fact, if to think about it, it is a very powerful tool of influence.

After all, before that, the multi-intelligent elements of the system – people, countries, communities – each pursued their own interests, often conflicting. Now they are united – not only against the “common threat”, but also for – just for the “common voice”.

“The free world has been aroused,” Friedman writes.

System elements are trained for interaction and synergy. The West was shown an existential enemy – an enemy with whom, as was shown above, it is necessary to stop all relations without hesitation.

The journalist who found Friedman’s “touch of sadism”was right. Friedman speaks with great relish about totalities and irreversibility — about the totality of the “abolition of Russia”, for example. Once again, he feels the youthful euphoria of the victory of “Jewish David over Arab Goliath” — this feeling clearly feeds Thomas Friedman even now, he carried it through decades. Here’s what the American writes:

“Putin was a total ignoramus about the world he was living in, and so he bet the farm in the 21st-century casino of globalisation, where, in the end, the house always wins — or there is no house left!”

Yes, the question is still about survival, it is put exactly like this – both in the “six-day war” of 1967, and in the conflict of the year 2022. This addition emphasises the severity of the situation in which the dealer himself can lose everything.

In a systemic, not immediately readable sense, this means that the system itself, getting rid of its important part, can self-destruct. People like Friedman are aware of this risk — for example, the risk that the enemy might actually resort to “Doomsday weapons.”

Intelligence shows that in the case of the “cancellation of Russia” this should not happen — but this very risk tickles the nerves, excites. The survival of humanity in an nuclear war is at stake!

What will be the player’s pleasure when and at this risk Goliath admits defeat?…

Then, with a calculated throw, Friedman lobs the ball to China’s side. The “Russian Goliath”, “the bear that was erased” has not yet been defeated by the “innovative weapon”, but the player is already preparing the field for the next one, much more powerful economically and politically.

Risk in direct combat is unacceptable here — but organisational, systemic, innovative weapons have already been tested and have proven themselves well.

The key to using these weapons is, of course, access to the Leviathan, and Friedman is convinced that the US has access. Not necessarily the state, or its powerful intelligence agencies, but maybe the keys lie somewhere in the corporate headquarters of Silicon Valley…

In his address to the Chinese – and we are sure that the Chinese will read it – Friedman is frank:

“There are signs that China recognises some of these new realities - that no country is too big to be canceled in the wired world.”

That is, according to the observer, China understands the game and understands the stakes.

The question is, will China be intimidated or seduced? It would seem that these are completely different, opposite things — but it seems that chutzpa’s skill is to make a threat look seductive, and seduction is necessarily accompanied by intimidation.

“But its initial instinct seems to be to try to insulate itself from that reality, rather than step up to help reverse Putin’s aggression. To which I say: Good luck with that. China cannot be connected and disconnected at the same time.”

Friedman’s proposal is not a compromise, it is total. You can only accept the new reality, the new world order, in its entirety, or you can refuse.

A compromise here is impossible in principle. This is what the American is trying to convey to Xi Jinping — there is no doubt that the message is addressed to him.

“So I hope not only,” Friedman concludes, “that China’s leaders don’t bet their farm on a quick grab of Taiwan. I hope Beijing joins instead with the West and so much of the rest of the world in opposing Putin.”

Friedman is a true servant of the Leviathan, a servant who knows his master. He knows what he’s saying. His ultimatum sounds harsh, it is, in fact, a revolver held to the temple.

Some in the Russian government still harbour illusions about some kind of compromise, some “agreements”, that it will be possible to drag things out to the last, and then, as in “The Story of Nasreddin Hodja”, “either the emir or the donkey will die”.

The point is that Friedman may die, Biden may die, but their master, the Leviathan, will not.

It is necessary to go a little on the lead, as the noose around the neck will tighten even tighter, the space for manoeuvre will decrease even more. It won’t be possible to buy time: the Leviathan system is set up to allow you to worsen your position if you delay.

But waving your arms in all directions also means uncovering yourself, showing the power of your punches. The same blows that will be used by the system against you.

What to do to defeat the Leviathan?

This can be done only using a holistic approach, only understanding how this system works, what its weaknesses are, and how it can be used.

The Leviathan’s expansion will not end in China, nor will it even end on a global scale – with the establishment of the New World Order (for which it was created).

Then the whole human system will be “cancelled” — I mean, man as a system and humanity as a system. After seeing a series of “cancellations” of the most powerful systems in the world – Russia, China, other nations, communities, individuals – many will come to the conclusion that resistance is useless. And always after what happened, they will be integrated into the agenda first of the globalists, and then those whom the Leviathan appoints, will replace them.

And maybe the system will not need anyone after this victory.

Right now, the main question of our time is being solved: will there be an “absolute cancellation”, a “big cancellation”, if you will.

The goal of “cancellation” is to erase civilisation itself, culture itself, from the memory of this and future generations.

The Leviathan’s servants have long been engaged in systems and have mastered them perfectly. They created the Leviathan and connected Russia to it, then they managed to knock Russia and Ukraine together head-on. Now they are abolishing Russia and simultaneously building a New World Order.

We must remember that this is a kind of “birth trauma” of the Leviathan — it was created against Russia and largely at the expense of Russia. “The new world order will be built against Russia, on the ruins of Russia, and at Russia’s expense,” Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his 1997 book “The Grand Chessboard”.

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Sovereignising strategies and decisions

The Leviathan will try to destroy, “cancel” the “Russia system” entirely. It won’t back down. Therefore, the very idea for Russia to integrate into the New World Order means its certain death, and through self-destruction.

It is necessary to clearly realise that our country cannot even be a raw material appendage of the system created by globalists. For many managers, this is a break in the pattern, but the sooner this awareness is fully realised, the less painful it will be to get out of the crisis.

The country needs sovereignty in every sense of the word, and above all – the sovereignty of strategies and strategic decisions. This means abandoning the mindless pursuit of the Klaus Schwab agenda of the “fourth industrial revolution”, the social meaning of which is to adapt humans to the project of dividing Homo sapiens into several species, to build a planetary humanoid with a totalitarian regime, under the full control of the digital Leviathan created by globalists.

Imagine that “digitalisation” in Russia would be carried out even faster than today. Then many key enterprises would be completely managed through “digital twins” located on California or Scandinavian servers, in the clouds of Microsoft, Amazon and other American companies, on software, according to standards and procedures that Russia would have nothing to do with creating and controlling. In this case, it would not be difficult for the West to paralyse the work of almost all industry, including the military, all Russian organisations and even the government.

It is necessary to fundamentally rethink the goals and objectives of the country’s technological development. What, for example, does digitalisation mean when it is understood as the development of surveillance systems, total control over people, and integration of Russian industries and structures into Western chains of control and management? We need a complete reassessment of the decisions made, roadmaps and projects – otherwise, new serious failures are inevitable, such as leaving half of the gold and foreign exchange reserves in the West.

We need the sovereignty of the Internet, which in its current form creates more and more threats to the very existence of our country. This sovereignisation is long overdue, and serious decisions can no longer be postponed. After all, the West, through a system of satellites from Elon Musk and other consortia, is close to the possibility of replacing the current Internet with a space-based, larger-scale one. This will give him the opportunity to disconnect Russia from the world wide web, a real “virtual cancellation” of our country.

On the other hand, creating one’s own, completely independent and reliable Internet with infrastructure, for example, in the stratosphere, will lead to the development of the most high-tech industries.

We need to bring the space industry to a new level, which will give an impetus to both the development of the sovereign Internet and the creation of new modes of transport. There are projects, for example, for a global transport system that would be built primarily in equatorial countries and would provide Russia with friendship and cooperation in these most promising regions of the planet.

Without its modern aviation, Russia cannot exist as a single state, which means that it is also an area of application of new technologies and bold decisions.

The creation of means of production in industry also poses the most complex engineering tasks. Autonomous systems with the use of artificial intelligence will also find their application here. Such machines and solutions are needed in agriculture, transport, and logistics. It is only important to strategically assess the limitations and risks associated with AI, to understand that this is not a panacea, and that “cutting out” a person from the decision-making chain is fraught not only with desovereignisation, but also with a decrease in the level of development of people themselves, which can have incalculable and unforeseen consequences.

New strategies for Russia’s spatial development will require attention to new modes of transport, autonomous energy, new technologies of “linear cities”, and eco-technologies.

There is also an urgent need to get out of dollar bondage and create a truly independent monetary system, possibly based on the concepts of the Russian economist S. Sharapov. This is also a strategic task, where digital technologies will also be useful — but not those that destroy the soul and put the human body under control, but those that help people in cooperation, in joint farming.

A reasonable combination of individual rights and collective benefits should be at the forefront of building a completely new economic system. A technocrat here is an engineer, a scientist, a person belonging to a professional community that is bound by high ethical principles. They are not a spiv, not a henchman of the Leviathan, not a conquistador of their own people, but their servant.

Russia faces a challenge on which the survival of its people depends. But we have every opportunity to respond to the challenge properly.

Igor Shnurenko


