Great Budget tax breaks for SME businesses investing in technology and skills.
The government has?increased tax breaks for small and medium businesses investing in new technology and skills, but will not extend the temporary full expensing of equipment investments.
Key points:
So, what are the Australian definitions of business sizes?
What type of investments will be supported?
From Budget night every hundred dollars these small and medium businesses spend on digital technologies — like cloud computing, e-invoicing, cyber security, and web design — will see them get a 120% tax deduction.
Investments of up to $100,000 per year will be supported by this new measure. So you could look at possibly 2 lots. Check with your accountant.
The additional tax deduction will be available for eligible spending incurred between the start of the Treasurer’s budget speech:
With the additional staff training deductions, these only apply to courses delivered by external providers registered in Australia.
It is a good time to talk to us about your:
Cybertechpro Pty Ltd T/A Go Systems – supporting SMEs and in business in Sydney for nearly 20 years.
For more information - Budget tax breaks for small businesses investing in technology and skills - ABC News