A great app for recording business miles…
Simon Chaplin
Inspiring, Challenging, and Supporting Accountants to Be the Best They Want to Be
This week I want to share a great little app I’ve discovered that will help you and your clients.
We all know the pain of asking clients for mileage records at the year end so we can make sure the accounts accurately reflect the business miles they have completed in their personal car.
Often they are “patchy” at best! Occasionally they don’t exist at all!
The biggest problem I have found is remembering to record the mileage when I complete a journey. There is always something more important to do.
I promise myself I’ll go through my diary at the end of the month and use Google to get the numbers, but one month turns into two, then three, and it becomes an even bigger chore!
So why should it be any different for a client?
However, a couple of months ago someone recommended MileIQ (www.mileiq.com). It is a brilliant little app that sits in the background and records the mileage for every trip you take in your car. Then all you have to do is open the app and swipe left for business and right for private for each journey the app has recorded.
At the end of the month it will send you a report for all the mileage you have done and even calculate the amount you should be reimbursed. The only downside is that it is in dollars!
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
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Virtual Finance Director
8 年Simon I promised a client I'd check out mileage apps so thanks for the nudge. I tried one like this before and like the principle. I'll let you know how I get on