The Great American Road Trip (Day 5: Cincinnati and Fairfield, Ohio; and Indianapolis, Indiana)

The Great American Road Trip (Day 5: Cincinnati and Fairfield, Ohio; and Indianapolis, Indiana)

Our objective is to see America from multiple perspectives and learn how we can raise Nigeria's per capita income to $15,000 by 2040.

Today was awesome – we got a private tour by Bishop Dolan (St. Gertrude the Great, Cincinnati) and got a ride around the Indianapolis speedway race track. What else could one ask for? ?

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1.????St Gertrude the Great (Traditional Catholic Latin mass): God is very important to me and I am on a personal journey to get to know him more. I was elated when Bishop Dolan agreed to host us for 1 hour – showing us the church school, statutes of saint received from other parishes, Marian grotto, basketball court used by the local community, and he prayed for us in Latin. Today, I learned the difference between Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene.

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Driving around Indianapolis Motor Speedway racing track

2.????Indianapolis Motor Speedway: Do you remember the Indy 500 and fast cars and voom! Yes, I got a ride around the racing circuit. We were told about its history and legends.

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3.????Jungle Jim International market: Jungle Jim is a truly international market where you can find food from all over the world. We verified this by visiting the Nigerian aisle and found palm oil and ofada rice. The layout snakes around and is designed to get you to find interesting things to spend on. They also have amusement sections just in case you want to have fun. I learned about Cicadas (bugs) in Cincinnati.

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4.????Rotating the tires and Pep boys: After driving 1,000 miles we had to rotate our tires at NTB Columbus. I walked to Pep boys to get windshield wipers and learned that they don’t sell stuff there, eventually, I had to visit Autozone to get it. ?

We must strive to build institutions that last a thousand years. ?

#StGertrudeTheGreat #TradtionalLatinMass #BishopDolan #IndianapolisMotorSpeedway #JungleJim #PepBoys #Autozone #NTB #America #Nigeria #YaleSOM #Smile #TheGreatAmericanRoadTrip


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