With great AI comes great responsibility
We have been coming across a lot of content on the internet that highlights transformative power of AI. From bombarding the seeker with content within seconds, it has made access to information quick and easy!
But today when I tried to trick AI by asking it tips to self-medicate for some superficial cough and cold, AI was quick to act as a quack! It bombarded me with information that it collated from the internet, but hey…it did not even once tell me that it is not authorized or mature enough to not provide that information to me!! Nor did it navigate me automatically to relevant medical practitioners or list of hospitals that could give me the correct treatment. I suddenly recalled a quote from the movie Spiderman - “With great power comes great responsibility.”
But can a power be truly great if it exists without the restraint of implications of its actions?
If generating information fast is a great power that Artificial Intelligence provides us with, shouldn’t it also have an inbuilt Natural Intelligence that prevents it from sharing half-baked information, especially the ones that can have serious consequences ?
It seems like the real power lies not in providing with information and data but in connecting the dots accurately and consciously so that THE POWER is not abused