Great Advertising: What is the Tone of Voice?
Elkana Ezekiel
Co-Founder, Strategy Partner | Ex-CEO Zydus Wellness, Ex-CMO Samsung | 30+ years of experience | Helping companies/startups in building profitable brands & businesses| Training human capital and students across countries
Brand Managers are human beings. This is not me getting philosophical in my old age. We like to have fun with our work, and nothing is more energizing than creating new ads. There is something sexy and cool about the process – brain storming over countless cups of cappuccino, late nights, takeaway food (usually terrible), frayed tempers and the spectre of a big win leading to record sales and a big bonus.?
First, we work our way through the discipline of agreeing on objectives, formulate a clear positioning and paint a vivid picture of the prospective consumer.
But how should we tell our story? Humour? Lifestyle? Celebrity? Happy family? Upwardly mobile go-getters? Playful? Technical expertise??
What’s the mood of the ad? The Tone of Voice??
And who should decide? Creative agency or Brand Managers??
Why is it important? Let’s take two ads and dig in.
These two ads are from the same pain relief category and they look similar in most ways, yet have subtly different tonality.?
The payoff and endgame are almost identical – each brand promises to quickly relieve pain and get you back on your feet. Both ads have a family setting, playful banter between husband and wife, the usual moment of agony and …
That’s where the mood changes.?
Moov focuses on the gentle care and concern of the husband for his wife. Emotional and sensitive in treatment. A touching moment, pun unintended.?
In contrast, Volini uses a husband who it turns out is an “expert” – a health care professional, a doctor evidently, who has the confidence to use the product for his wife.?
There is very little to separate the ads barring this key difference in the mood and tonality. Consumers who are switched on by rational logic and need solid factual reassurance would probably gravitate towards Volini. The doctor brings knowledge of the consumer problem to be resolved, which reinforces an expert image, thus appealing to a specific consumer mindset.?
Moov on the other hand, touches the heart and appeals emotionally. There is no reason to assume that rational people lack warmth and feeling. But primarily, we as human beings have a dominant response type. Some people just feel their way through even the most important decisions in life. Others will pause and consider all options, rationally and objectively.?
Knowing your consumer type allows brand teams to construct the brand story and pitch it using the most effective route to the consumer’s wallet.?
In a world where products are increasingly undifferentiated and parity in performance terms (how different can one detergent or soap really be from another?), Marketing needs to align on the tone of voice in which the brand will speak.?
Of course, this is an oversimplification of a complex issue that involves multiple strategic brand choices.?
Let’s stay in touch. Until next time…