Gray's Papaya Pt.3

Gray's Papaya Pt.3

Gray's Papaya Pt.3

With boundaries of famous Park Avenue, the East River and reaching into east Harlem, Yorkville was, until recently, a haven of small buildings filled with affordable rent stabilized apartments. These were homes to generations of NY’ers of diverse ways and means. As incentives to build, and river’s of wealth poured in, those buildings are being demolished to be replaced with luxury towers that provide fewer apartments at astronomical prices. These new buildings push out traditional and local business that provided an active encounter with other cultures and histories on a daily basis. And they fail to provide homes the critical mass of workers that make the city thrive.?

2Ft.D is inspired by my experience of that neighborhood.?2Ft.D knows that where economic resilience and community health are supported by local, profitable buildings, and businesses growth is possible but history and people can remain.

By?Rebecca Holderness, CEO & Founder of?2ftD Design Data


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