The Gravity of the situation is about to hit home!
by Clynt Levin

The Gravity of the situation is about to hit home!

Its around 1 degree outside and I find myself holding tight onto the best cappuccino available at the business desk at the hotel lobby. Not often you get an opportunity to scan through The New York Times, and where I come from, the only place for a newspaper is at the airport if its free! With all the real and fake news out there, just who do the NYT represent right now anyway, left liberal or right conservative?

Right now I will leave that question for another day or at least until I have read a bit more. The real issue at hand is what is glaring on the front page every morning and especially today's edition. Back at home in South Africa, the reality of the war in Europe and global events are starting to hit close to the the wallet and protests are starting to trickle through the streets. We have come through a tough period of corruption and riots with little or no accountability. There is a sense of anxiety and restlessness amongst the general population with everyone waiting for something or someone to take charge and say "we got this, follow me I have a plan!"

Let me assure you, the boom is coming, and its not the bang you expect. There are massive swings to the negative on their way and if you have a belt and you have not started to tighten it yet, it may be to late. As Jack Ewing and Clifford Krauss write in their article:

"Farmers are spending more to keep tractors and combines running. Shipping and trucking companies are passing higher costs to retailers, which are beginning to pass them onto shoppers."

The surge of fuel and in particular the diesel cost will start to undercut economies and we are starting to see a massive surge in inflation worldwide. Interest rates are on the rise, supply chains are under immense strain, shipping lines are in total disarray and essential parts from computer chips to plastic will halt manufacturing of major production facilities Worldwide. This will bring about labor disruptions and ultimately layoffs, and we are not yet out of Covid 19. If you are a conspiracy theorist, believe in the Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the New World Order or just an average Joe, Jill or other gender specific, its time to realize that the balance has shifted and things are about to get serious.

For my friends back in SA, try $3.80 lt in USA and Euro 2.15 lt in Germany for unleaded with diesel rising faster. That may cause some protests at the pump unless they saddle up with the BRICS options meaning economy over democracy! Cut you business and personal costs by 15% to 20% fast otherwise you may not make it!

Find a Supply Chain and a business partner who can mentor and assist you during this period. Speak to Legacy Consultants.


