Gratitude Time - Picking Peas
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
November 11, 2019
Dear Sparrow,
There is a first time for everything! On this day, I am grateful for picking peas. While in South Carolina in the pea field for the first time in my life. It's cold out, the temperature is dropping with expectancy of a frost tonight; however, the Mississippi Crowder Pea field has been opened to the public ... yes, for those in the community that chooses too partake in pea picking, the field is open where you can pick peas for free. My Mom does this all the time, and I've never wanted nor felt compelled to go with my Mom engaging in such an event ... well, as of this day, I've been introduced to a new face quality time spent and moments of freeing my mind and it's nothing more therapeutic than picking the food that you eat.
Organic to the highest power!
My parent's have always had garden's, fruit trees, grape vines, and things like that in the past. BEing raised in the South, I am accustomed to these things, many things, but not picking anything from any fields. As I have my basket to pick my bushel I witness the eighteen wheeler's passing by said pea field realizing the reality of what's taking place "This Very Moment" I am having an experience. As I pick the Mississippi Crowder Peas off of the bushes or shall I say plants, I am in awe. Mom, my cousin Jackie A. and me ... nobody else, and I love it.
Was it a plan to do? NO, it wasn't - however, I was out and about with my Mom after running an errand for myself which completed much earlier than anticipated. My Mom had plans to meet up with Jackie, and I decided to tag along to help her, and see my family all at once. Guess what? This was an endearing hour and a half within a day to remember for a lifetime.
Picking peas in a field that also have daisies, squash and sugar cane in an eyes view away at 50 years fabulous that is for the first time in my life, and I am grateful for it. I grew up in South Carolina, never did anything like this before; however, I recall my mom, and auntie Cre doing this all the time during the fall. All we, my sib's and I had to do was shuck the peas, that was our job to prepare them for storage in the freezer as preparation for the winter months. This is when we prepared them to eat during the winter time with biscuits, collard greens, etc.
It's a first time for everything, I am realizing this on Highway 1 as I'm picking peas in Middendorf just outside of McBee, South Carolina. What I can say is, it's never too late to BE introduced to something that really gives you a new look and view over your life, in the place or area where you've grown up and have surrounded you and me the whole time.
My gratitude time today is for picking peas, and I am grateful for that, and for the opportunity of spending quality time with my mom and cousin Jackie that I'll forever cherish and remember. In essence, all of this keeps me grounded reminding me of where I came from, and it also reinforces good eating habits, the benefits of growing your own food, knowing what you put into your mouth that nurtures your body, and memories that last a lifetime.
It seems that life continues to move quickly, and you have to choose to enjoy your family when you can; however, these times are most precious, because you never know when your expiration will present itself as it's inevitable.
Therefore, I am grateful for picking peas with my mamma and my cousin Jackie.
What are you grateful for?
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller