Gratitude Time for an Open Heart!
The KEY to Living is an Open Heart!

Gratitude Time for an Open Heart!

November 4, 2019

Dear Sparrow,

The KEY to living is having an open heart! Is yours open? Open enough to free yourself and others. I had to get to a place where I wasn't afraid to open up and share my vulnerabilities to BE transparent about me for me, and while doing so ... I learned I was able to get through anything faced in my life and by sharing myself, my stories, my truths with others, it blessed them as well.

Opening up my heart ... I learned how not to make the same mistakes warranting non-repeat as I learned valuable lessons the first time around, a test I had no intention of repeating. I thank God for leading me to the key that opened up my heart to free me and introduce me to myself all at once. For this I am sincerely grateful.

My life hasn't been and will never BE the same again since regaining the possession of my key allowing me to open up easily as the bud of a flower blooming in the sunlight. Discovering my key that I had tucked away in the sands on the island of isolation was washed ashore at the perfect time I needed most, and during that time I wasn't aware of the fact it was lost.

Therefore, to discover what I never knew was lost is gratitude beyond my scope of thankfulness, because God loves me so much to always protect, lead and guide me through the wind of my day to day blessing me in the midst of moments that sweeps me off of my feet only to soar me higher and higher to plains untapped, uncharted on the path less traveled on the quest of shifting, changing, sculpting, pruning, shaping, and evolving into me for me. This is my truth amidst my layers shedding as I take one step at a time toward me as I open my heart.

What are you grateful for my sparrow?

Grace & Gratitude!

Valerie Miller


