Gratitude Time for my Shero!
Unknown Photographer

Gratitude Time for my Shero!

June 28, 2019

Dear Sparrow,

I am grateful for my shero, always; however, even more so within This Very Moment! My shero, my mother is a priceless pearl in my life and always have been since the moment of my birth. THE greatest gift of all from God. When we are born, we have no idea who our parents are until we start to understand the bond created upon conception. This bond continues to grow, and grow, and grow as the years flow by. For me, I have always known how amazing my mom is; however, she's so much more than my mom, my mama, she's my first best friend, loves me unconditionally, raised me along with my dad to BE this masterpiece of a woman I have become. All due to having the role models that taught me and my sib's by display that a family that prays together, stays together at all costs and at all times.

Everyone need to have a shero in their lives, mine so happen to be my mother. I say I am grateful for her; however, there isn't a word I could use to define my love, admiration, and gratitude I have for this woman, a fearless flame for Christ, God and her family. You'd think once you've been raised from a child, you'd have the tools to soar high in life, in which I do; however, my mom, my shero still does what mothers do when their baby is bruised, broken or in need of the one nurturer that ALWAYS make it and all things feel better, look better, and simply make all things better.

God makes the best decisions when selecting our parents for us, as HE knows our needs before we're created; however, we have no clue as to the parents we shall receive until we arrive. I can go on and on about my mom, mama, mother, shero; however, I am grateful for mine, whether if you have a shero or a hero in your life, it's the Grace of God shining on you and pouring out favor covering you as only HE can. BE grateful and tell them how much they mean to you. I do, I have, I will forever display my gratitude to my first Best Friend, my Mom, my Mama, Mother ... Shero!

My gratitude on THIS day in This Very Moment is for my Shero, and all she is to me, and for all she does for me, and my priceless pearl I cherish for all infinity, my endless love and gratitude is for my shero. I love you, Mom and grateful God gave me you, my shero forever.

What are you grateful for, Sparrow!

Grace & Gratitude!

Valerie Miller


