Gratitude Time ~ Greater in View!
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
September 3, 2019
Dear Sparrow,
I am grateful for a greater view! Everyday I push to greater, because I know that although life is amazing now, I still know beyond my understanding and imagination, there is so much more greater to come than presently displayed within my now. Being a dreamer and believer all of my life gives you an indication as to my personality of optimism, joy, always smiling and happy possessing enough to share with others no matter my position or state of mind. I can be in bliss or in heartache, and know due to my vivid imagination and preview God continues to show me, and drive me to always push to greater, celebrating along the way while on my amazing journey.
I will say to you, Sparrow ... I am beyond blessed, and so grateful to be and constantly in prayer expressing my gratitude for much given in my life. I am covered by angels, my three precious angels and more, because of things I have overcome time and time again ~ things I cannot take credit for, and won't. This only reminds me, I have purpose remaining to do in this world that's unfinished. I cannot fathom the fabulous-ness to come as it far exceed anything I can ask for in this life or the next. Glimpses are shown daily which brings smiles, elation, excitement and cheer. The more I receive, the more humble I become, because I haven't asked for any of these bountiful gifts nor responsibilities. Witnessing it all unveil before my eyes like a movie reel in my mind ... I say thank you in great grace fueling my drive to push to greater even more in all things at all times in all I do, because I choose to.
Therefore, without effort I am honored to push myself to greater for all to reap the benefits and I am inspired with ambition to soar and praise in elation all due to my continual previews. If it wasn't for all of the undeserved blessings I've received before in the midst of times past, then and only then I would have room to doubt; however, so much shown previously has been hand delivered always in perfect timing ... it makes it easy to accept in advance while pushing, pressing and persevering to my greater and encourage you to believe in your dreams to come to fruition as well. Without the dream, the preview, the glimpse, how else would you have faith, knowledge, and trust believing all you've seen through your imagination and previews on my and your quest to arrive at THE destined time only God deems. I smile in the utmost respect, as I am grateful for my past, my present and my future no matter how it unveils. God trusts me with much and I accept it as it comes, choosing to smile in grace as I push to greater, always because what I know for certain is greater in my view. This I am grateful for! What are you grateful for, Sparrow?
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller