Gratitude Time for Creating my Grace Lane!
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
December 11, 2019
Dear Sparrow,
Opening MY door of opportunity nobody can close is a precious and graced gift intended just for me, because God guided me to it. Coming from a corporate world background where you're a number, where you can be hired today, laid off tomorrow or fired at will forever more.
It's truly a dog eat dog world in this space, a space I've never felt compelled to call my home of career. I say this because I am the creative type and I settled for corporate as it paid the bills and following suit of others that paved the way before me, supposedly the way to have the american dream. It couldn't BE further from the truth for me. Having the experience of BEing laid off as my company were closing it's doors back in 2008 was the eye opening reality of a lifetime. Proving to be a time of fear, as I am and was the sole provider in my household, having gone through the experience of the grief of divorce just eighteen months prior and transitioning from North East back home to North Carolina starting life over again. Whew, what a nightmare to now have the wind knocked out of my sail yet again.
What sustained me during this time of introduction of newness was completely unexpected coming from my Daddy; he in a few words said to me when I called him and mom sharing my news of dismay. As profound as he usually is ... Me: Dad I lost my job today. Dad: I am sorry to hear this; however, you'll be just fine. Simply, "Live on less". Those three words changed the coarse of my life, recalling them often when my thoughts need to BE redirected.
Too much control derived from others has affected my life one time too many, and I prayed to God to make it right. For five years I was in between jobs serving to work temp assignments, contract and creating the space of working for myself beautifying homes as an Interior Designer attempting to make ends meet. Utilizing my birthright gifts to pull me up from that low place we all may recognize from one point or another in your life as well. Loving the freedom this new space spotlighting me displays with heartfelt gratitude to do what I was born to do and BE.
Entering into pivotal spaces in our lives that lead us to awakening in the midst of moments realizing there is a lane of grace destined for us all, and all we have to do is say YES to what God has for us. The sooner the greater may sound cliche; however, for me I am grateful I answered the challenge to simply live on less as my Dad stated to BEcome who I was created to BE. Thank God for my parents, and praise HIM for planting the seed of wonder, and curiosity in me to lead me to accept all destined for me.
Therefore, it's a graceful gift to ourselves when opening the door destined just for me and you too, because accepting what God has specifically for me and you consciously and intentionally is welcoming our gifts on grace lane that nobody can fire, let us go or, lay us off from; however, soar ourselves into our absolute greatest selves living in freedom everyday!
What are you grateful for?
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller