Gratitude Time for BEing Gracious & Gifted!
Valerie Miller
Two Time Self-Published Author | I Introduce You To Yourself ?? | Conscious Lifestyle Strategist?? | Public Speaker | Interior Design Consultant
September 10, 2019
Dear Sparrow,
In celebration of my gratitude "This Very Moment" it's for BEing gracious and gifted. I am gracious, because of all of the things I have been through in my life. What I've learned from the experiences and how I conduct myself when sharing, thinking and respecting others receiving what I am sharing with them. BEing mindful of delivery and my disposition when sharing thoughts, and memories of what has been and taken place in my life. I have to BE respectful of my journey as it took place when sharing it with others BEing transparent in it; therefore, it warrants grace of how I've learned to embrace the blessing in all of the events I've been through, turning tragedy into triumph. The only way I was able to do that was through Gods grace, mercy, love and protection.
The awareness in it all was how my gifts announced themselves upon acceptance of who I am, because of where I have been. To have gifts of discernment, to have gifts of empathy, to have gifts of care, to have gifts of extensive love that literally shines bright and evident in my life, because in essence there is no beginning nor end to it. Just endless amounts of it, and this is what I display to others in my fabulousness. Therefore, to BE gracious and gifted is a gift that only God can plant the seed of within us; however, it's our choice to nurture the gifts, to grow the gifts, to share the gifts by BEing the gifts given.
This is what I am grateful for, to BE loved so much, to BE trusted to such levels by God my higher power to transform me every single day as HE introduces me to myself. That's the great grace at work residing within me on full display to you shining in my radiance of your view. This is what I am grateful for my dear sparrow, what are you grateful for?
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller