

Life is beautiful. We don’t value it as much as we should until we are faced with a calamity or a personal misfortune. You and me under normal circumstances at any given time tend to complain about a million petty things. If we could record our daily conversations with our friends and family, all we do is whine and nag about trivial things.

Life is too short to take it for granted and waste our time being un-thankful and dissatisfied. Our focus should remain to value our existence, instead of overlooking the vital and the most basic gift from God of being able to breathe and wake up everyday to witness the sunrise in the morning while hundreds and thousands may have seen their last.

We need to learn the art of being happy, contented and thankful for everything life offers. Imagine everything you ever wished for has been given to you, so now are you happy? No! Because now you want something-else or some more! There is a term for it called 'The Hedonic treadmill', also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. So to get over this continuous search of wanting more we need to understand that we have a choice to be happy or unhappy. "The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go."-- Dodinsky.

As someone said ‘a thankful person is thankful under all circumstances while a complaining soul complains even in paradise’. When we are not grateful to the All Mighty for His blessings He gives us a tougher paper, an exam which we were never prepared for. Trust me, we don't want to go down that road because the consequence of not being thankful can be a misfortune. It could be a thing or a person so dear to us or just our own heartbeat that we never valued enough.

Let’s not make ourselves miserable by constantly thinking, working day in day out for things that will not matter in the future. Have you ever noticed how happy people are always surrounded by more people just like honey bees and honey, its because the energy and vibes you get from these people is uplifting. So let's relax, find peace within ourselves and be the best versions of ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. Let's find the joy in the little things. Look at the bigger picture of life and our true purpose.

"Being Happy Doesn’t Mean Everything’s Perfect. It Means You’ve Decided To Look Beyond The Imperfections."

Gratitude motivates people to make positive changes in their lives and in the world around them through feelings of connectedness, elevation, humility and indebtedness. When we’re thankful and show our gratitude towards other people we build stronger relationships, better working environments, close-knit families and a harmonious community. We are the ones building this world for our children and the future holds in our own hands. Above all our ultimate aim and purpose should be to be grateful to our 'Creator' and we will be rewarded with His blessings beyond our expectations and imagination.

Blog - Believe



Lawrence John Dsouza

1 年

Suha, thanks for sharing!

Asad Ullah

Procurement Officer

5 年



