Nicholas de Castella
From my 30 years' experience, I train coaches, healers & health professionals by equipping them with powerful tools to enhance their well-being, amplify their impact, and live the life they love with BREATHWORK
Month of May is coming and it's about Gratitude
Gratitude opens the doorway to opportunity, abundance, and happiness. Whatever we focus on, we add energy to, and it expands. When we cultivate gratitude, we naturally think about the good things in our lives, which facilitates us in achieving success.
Gratitude is a work in progress, and it takes time to cultivate it. It is the attitude towards what is happening that determines our experience. Therefore, trying to change the world to fit our version of how it "should" be is limited and tends to bring more negativity into our lives.
So, take a moment to reflect on what you are grateful for. It could be something as simple as the sun shining outside or having a roof over your head. As you focus on the things you appreciate, you will find that your heart expands with joy and your mind becomes clearer and more optimistic.
Gratitude truly is the master key to unlocking the door to opportunity, abundance and happiness. It can transform even the most challenging situations into valuable opportunities for growth and learning. So, embrace the power of gratitude in your life and watch as it transforms your world for the better!
Kind Regards,
Would you like to live with an open heart?
We will clear blockages using Core Clearing Breathwork.
Dissolve liming thinking and beliefs, release pain, accelerate healing illness’, resolve conflicts and dismantle destructive patterns. We collapse these limiting patterns and reconnect to our natural divine, creative, free and loving essence.
How it works…
Each month you gain access to presentations and meditations on the theme of the month
???We explore different heart qualities and practices (Happiness, Ease, Peace, Love, Gratitude…)
My vision is to be part of creating a world where everyone gets to thrive.?
My purpose is to help you to thrive and to inspire and empower others to become agents of change so that together we can thrive, help each other to thrive and help the planet to thrive: You Thrive, We Thrive, Planet Thrive!
I’d be delighted to have you join us so that together we can grow and help make the world a more loving place.
Let's celebrate the present moment and embrace all the happiness that life has to offer!