Gratitude for the Miracle of your Body

Gratitude for the Miracle of your Body

Have you ever thought that you might need to develop a much healthier relationship with your body? This is a subject we touch on regularly because it's so important to our programme for total well-being. We're surrounded by images of 'perfect' bodies that only exist within the realm of a computer program. This constant exposure to artificial standards of health and beauty creates very negative reactions when we take time to consider the state of our own bodies. We can never measure up to these artificially enhanced images and this is potentially harmful to our health, happiness and well-being. So start the day by remembering to smile at yourself in the mirror. It might feel uncomfortable at first but it helps to establish a more co-operative relationship between your body and your subconscious. Learning to appreciate the miracle of your body, despite what you might feel it looks like, is a fundamental step towards healing, restoring, rejuvenating and strengthening your body. So let's show some deep appreciation for the home we live in for the entire duration of our lives: our bodies.

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