Loreal Black
?? Opportunity Development Expert: Passionate about amplifying your business and making the world of work better ??
Something to be thankful for...
This week's gratitude is (drumroll please)
This is often under-rated, but the ability to be able to GO WITH THE FLOW is a super power. So many times in our lives, day in and day out changes will pop up and have the ability to affect us emotionally, mentally and even physically.
Take a moment to take this in.
NOW imagine you are housed inside a prison or jail environment, and you have no say so in what you are able to do each day as far as times for meals, recreation and even your bed time and on and on. *
You have no choice and must comply with the Correctional staff's orders right? Right!
(Insert interpersonal communication skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Being able to listen, take in new information and still perform effectively even if you do not agree = flexibility.
Walking around and being grumpy about challenges and changes that pop up at the drop of a dime helps no one... it just makes you become a person who no one likes or wants to be around.
It is not always easy to be compliant- Sometimes you will want to SCREAM
It is not always easy to get along with everyone- but you do not need to be MEAN or negative
Sometimes you won't "get" why strategies in your business are happening- GIVE it a try because it may actually benefit you in the future
Guess what?? If this tall girl (me) on the "Inside" can do it.... then I know everyone of you in the "Free World" can too.
How many times have you heard / said " We do it this way because it works"?
Make your own day good by being easier to get along with, being open minded to new ideas and strategies and just plain old trying to do things in a new way. This is what I do and it makes my day and my life more fulfilling!
What have you done today to be a more flexible and open-minded man, woman, boss, co-worker, wife, husband, mother, daughter, niece, nephew, student... you get it!
What have you done today to be more cohesive in life?
*(With the exception the honors employment opportunities like Televerde and other Life Skills programs you are afforded to participate in if you want to better yourself.)