Gratitude Leads To Abundance
Richard La Faber
Editor in Chief @ RLF Insights & Chief Motivator @ La Faber Academy | Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Writer & Master Trainer
The opposite of gratitude is focusing on the things that you do not have in your life. So many people concentrate on lack and end up living a pretty miserable life as a result. If you keep focusing on lack then you will receive more lack. People never understand this but it is how the Law of Attraction works and you cannot get around this life law.
Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not doesn’t really matter. We believe that it works and there is a lot of evidence to support this. But think about things in this way – if you are always thinking about the things that you don’t have then this is not going to make you happy is it?
Learn from the Law of Attraction
There are many definitions of the Law of Attraction. A simple definition is that what you focus on you will attract or manifest in your life. There is more to using the power of the Law of attraction than just thought. But this is where it all starts.
People that continuously moan and complain usually always find a lot more things to complain about. Have you ever wondered why this is the case? Well it is the Law of Attraction giving these people what they want. The complainers send negative vibrations to the Universe and it responds by providing more negative things to them.
So the reverse of this is to be grateful for the things that you already have. When you do this you are creating feelings of abundance. You send positive vibrations to the Universe and it will respond by sending you more.
By being grateful for what you have you are focusing your thoughts and you are setting yourself up to manifest even more of the things that make you happy. You have already learned that gratitude is a very powerful emotion. When you express it you generate very positive energy that will enable you to manifest more.
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Many thanks & God Bless.