Gratitude. Not Just For Thanksgiving
Audrey McKinley
God is my CEO. Latina Style Magazine 2021 Top 10 Latina Executive of the Year, Women In Automotive Board Member, CEO Auto Network Consulting, Author & Speaker
People across the country are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend and expressing gratitude for the many blessings they have in their lives.?
As I take time to reflect on my own personal blessings I can’t help but think about the steps that got me to where I am today. I look around at the life I have created in awe - my husband and beautiful daughter who are the light in my life, the home we have built, my thriving company that allows me to serve others across the country, my church and community, my book that is about to be published, and the abundance of opportunities that continue to come my way.?
Hard work and dedication have elevated me to this place, but there is also another piece that people often don’t think about - mindset.?
I want to ask you to take a moment and reflect on your mindset over the last year.?
The truth is, we should not just give thanks once a year. We cannot just be grateful for the things that we already have, we must live in gratitude. Gratitude opens our hearts and our arms wide open to receive whatever it is that God has planned for our lives.?
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
- 2 Corinthians 4:18
My life began to change when I shifted my mindset to a Heavenly perspective. One that says I am a beloved child of God and that He has a bigger plan for me than I could have ever imagined. My job is not to control my circumstances, to force the future, or worry about what I don’t have. My role is to live each day walking in my purpose, knowing whose I am, and truly living in a place of gratitude for everything that I have and that I trust is coming my way.?
I challenge you, as you take time to soak in everything you are grateful for this weekend, to make a commitment to practice this daily so that your mindset shifts for the good. You may just be surprised at how much more you will have to give thanks for next Thanksgiving.