Jennifer Garufi (formerly Mannion)
Author, Mindfulness Teacher, Speaker, Owner of
A poem I wrote this morning after meditation... it feels timely. Gratitude helped me heal my physical illness and ALWAYS creates miracles in my life when I choose to focus on it. I am grateful for ALL of you on this journey with you and am sending MUCH love your way!!
Gratitude written by Jenny 11/22/2023
Gratitude is the seed
That helps our joy to grow
It plants love and appreciation
Connecting us to flow.
People tend to focus
On negativity and what is wrong
But that feeds disempowerment, weakness
Instead of feeling empowered and strong.
In a world that is rapidly changing
It can feel we have little control over our mind
So much distraction and news
Gratitude can feel hard to find.
But we all have things to be grateful for
We woke up today and get to breathe air
We have compassion in our hearts
People, animals and causes for which we care.
We might feel guilty feeling grateful
Witnessing what so many have to endure
But by focusing on gratitude
We add to being the love and the cure.
Start with the small things
When you get out of bed
Embrace being mindful
At the thoughts in your head.
Are you paying attention
To the little gifts that surround you?
Have you given yourself credit
For all you have made it through?
Even a few moments of gratitude
Can water that seed
You get to choose to limit it
Or help it feed.
When that sprout begins to grow
You truly notice life’s changes
Your day begins to feel easier
With less extreme mood ranges.
When it breaks through the ground
Your appreciative thoughts give it sun
Life will hand you blessings
And you will start to have more fun.
It doesn’t take hours to pay gratitude
You have every second to make that choice
A few moments here and there
Truly give your life a new voice.
When you are leading with gratitude
Blessings truly abound
Then you have more to offer others
Feels a new lease on life has been found.
As the stem grows and the bud forms
Gratitude becomes a routine
You’ve witnessed things shifting
Feel more heard and seen.
When you’ve made gratitude a daily habit
the flower is in bloom
You notice how much lighter you feel
How your heart seems to have much more room.
What a beautiful world it would be
If we all paid gratitude often
We would connect in oneness and love
ALL of our hearts would soften.
It begins with you today
take a few moments to go within
I promise soon after
You’ll feel your heart and soul grin.
#gratitude, #grateful, #poem, #poetry