Gratitude – the emotional two-way player
Emotions are a tricky thing. While we all know the short-term affections of joy and sadness or happiness and anger, living your life to establish feelings as long-term character traits is often overseen, even by yourself. It is easier to see someone laughing and say, "Hey, that is a happy person" than making the same judgment by looking at someone's sole appearance. As often, the attitude of mindful living has a tool in its box that makes us happy and balanced people in the long run. That tool is called gratitude.
Steering towards a better life quality with gratitude
Despite external impacts, I believe in our permanent capability of steering our fate towards happiness. Gratitude helps us on the way as it offers us the possibility to develop a positive fundament towards life. The good thing, everyone can learn it. To achieve that, it takes focusing on the good things happening around us and take fewer things for granted. A step that is easier for some people and harder for others but merely a step we all can take. Focusing on good things is what helps to make life worth living. I am not saying to blend out anger and other negative feelings. They are crucial components to keep our life in balance, and we need to feel these feelings as much as the good ones - just not let them dictate our course.
Drop and pick up
Life has its way to place stepping stones in our way. If these make you grumpy or aggressive, and it's hard for you to get rid of those feelings, those are precisely the moments that turn into lessons. Distance yourself from engaging negative emotions and learn to observe yourself. Don't be afraid to drop the things that cause negativity in your life.
What you should pick up instead is positive memories and those you can create. There are simple helpers for that. For example, take a moment every evening to write down three things that made you happy during the day. It's essential to see the little things as some days are gray, moody, or merely dull. Know that even the taste of your peanut butter sandwich can cause happiness and be grateful for that. Learn that the things you do yourself can make you happy and that it's not only the doing of other people that enlightens our day. You could also work with images. If something makes you happy, get your smartphone, and take a photo. Try to make it three a day. Create a folder with all these images and look at them every once in a while.
Say it out loud
As we always cannot rely on others, there are times we do. That is when we need to be able to speak up for our feelings and thankfulness. Knowing when to say "thank you" is crucial to our social life and a mutual appreciation. If you say thank you at the right times, people will appreciate you, which will fill your happiness scale.
At the same time, be proactive and help your fellows. This is why we have empathy in our toolbox. Knowing when to offer help, merely holding a door open, and other little things will make people around you thankful. Gratitude is a two-way player; I wrote in the title. Meaning, if you make people around you grateful for your actions, it will lead you to a happier life.