Deepak Parmar
Let's talk about Leadership | Placements | Upskilling | B2B | Corporate Training | Member of American Psychology Association | Member of National Association of Psychology | Counselling Psychology | Therapy
Day 5/100
Today's writing prompt baffled me a bit. It was to write about the one thing that I am truly grateful for.
My challenge is not I find it difficult to feel and express gratitude - I am one of those people who feel gratitude to a point where I feel I am in debt to the other person, even if the act they have done for me can be considered 'just ok' as per social norms.
My challenge lay in choosing that one thing I am truly grateful for...
I have made my fair share of bad choices and mistakes and I have learned from each and one of them.
I think I will start by expressing my gratitude to my parents - sounds cliche but hey, cliches exist for a reason. I was raised in an over-protective environment which led me to get a little creative in finding a way out - being a little needy and in need of validation. Reminiscence of this still lingers in my mid-thirties.
What I am truly grateful to my parents is that once I was an adult - they let me make my own mistakes. Not that weren't judgemental and critical about them - but still, they allowed me to make my own mistakes. For that, I will always be in their debt.
The next person in my life I would genuinely be thankful to would be my wife. I can seem to be a sorted individual but there are times when I can be really tough to be around. And I thank and bless my wife for having the courage, faith, and patience of being there when I am not myself
Next is the family I chose - my friends - each and every one that I have ever met and spend time with. Friends that I bunked college with, friends who bought me my first beer, first you teased me when I had a bad hair day, and friends who consoled me when I was at my worst and weakest.
I am also grateful to the people I am working with and the ones I had the fortune of working with. Each day, each project, each client, each email, each meeting, and even each disagreement has shaped me into who I am. I am thankful to each person that I have worked with for teaching, coaching, and helping me.
I am also grateful for each experience, event, and accident in my life because somehow, somewhere the pattern my life has followed, no matter how asymmetrical or unrecognizable it may have been - I am happy where I am with who I am and what I am becoming.
and the list goes on...and I am sure if you were to attempt writing such a post, you would also be lost at giving the OSCAR of gratitude to that one person or event.
If I had to sum up, I would really thank God. A higher power. An entity that I believe orchestrates the entire universe to a melody we all are aching to understand.
Because I am alive.
I am breathing.
And as long as I am alive - all possibilities exist. All of them.
And for that, I am truly and eternally grateful.
Thank you.
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