Gratitude Compounds!!
Happy May Gratitude Chasers!!
It is officially Spring, and I enjoy every part of this season. From the fresh flowers and the rain that brings them to the warmer evenings and longer days too. What about Spring do you like the most?
As the year goes on and life does not slow down for anyone. I am reminded of a story of the power of compound interest. Years ago, I took a class called financial peace university. It is put on by Dave Ramsey and the Ramsey team. At the time it was a 13 week class, that went through various topics all around financial principles with money. Creating habits with money that help you win long term. The phrase "live like no one else today, so that later you can live like no one else", is said a ton and helps set the tone for the class about discipline.
The week on compound interest really blew my mind and got me thinking about how other things in life have this same effect, not just money. Think about it, if you want to run a marathon, you don't just go out the next day and run 26.2 miles. You build up momentum by doing small things over time. If you and I want to be known as grateful people, it starts with small things done over time. Maybe today it is 1 thing you are grateful for, and next week it is 3 things. If you already have a habit of doing small things, it really is not that hard to tweak something a little to adjust the trajectory of your life. As you begin to stack the gratitude daily, it will add up over time. If you decide to write 3 things a day for the next month, by the time you are done with that month, you will have 90 things that you can look back and see how blessed you are, if you do it for 3 months you will have 270, for 6 months you will have 540, and 12 months, 1080 things. You get the point, by the time you have done this little step for more than a few years, it really adds up. The power of doing small things with compound interest. What ends up happening is that you begin to notice things that you didn't before. You begin to look at situations at work and home with a new perspective. It actually changes your heart over time.
The same way, taking the step to join a class about finances and ask a bunch of questions and apply the principles taught in the class started to change my understanding and view of money. This little step of writing down what you are grateful for each day will help you stack and build compound interest for your overall quality of life.
Thanks for being here and starting to share gratitude one person at a time.
Do you have a story of how gratitude has changed your life? Do you want to share that with others? Don't wait to share it, your story might be the breakthrough that someone is waiting to hear.